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I must regret, that although the story is original, most of the characters are not original. Instead, they are friends whom I had wished to honor in my book by having their name engraved in history, and those whom have done me wrong, that I have wished to punish with my writings. I know I have many more friends from old W.O.N. Chat than those mentioned in the book, but I must apologize as well that I could not write every single person's name in the book. For those people whose names I have redone in the story, I tried to do so with minimum changing of their names to make it fit into the realm of 14th century Europe but yet keep their internet handles that they still have or used to have, intact.

All of the people, unless otherwise identified, I have met first in W.O.N. Chat. A link to more profiles can be found at Below is a telling of their past, and their present, as I have seen over the five to seven years that I have known them (From 1997 up to 2004), with the exception of Rosaline, whom I met only two years ago. All those who are in the story, are great people, even the ones that I do not like personally. I only wished that you who are reading this, could have had the privilege I have had, to meet them.

Disclaimer: The names of the people who are in the story, have their names in order of appearance in the book, just like on my "Characters" page. So this isn't a popularity contest, sorry...

Also thanks to the makers of GIF Construction Set in which I was able to make those beautiful buttons in the left frame.

The pictures are all current as of March 8th, 2004, with the exception of Delita, Skie, and Baron Zemo. I think those pictures were current as of 1998...

Alright, as I see that I do not have a picture of me on this thing, here is Astanax/Travis/Asty/Ax

A fine lady I met in I accidently thought she was Delita at first. But in later chats with her, I became good friends with her. Her mother is Lady Artemysst. BoookwormB is Estar/Elizabeth in the story.

UPDATE: Estar/Sara Featherton
Sara Featherton is a character made by my wife Heather Gill. Heather has been incorporated into a couple parts of the story, replacing the Estar character with her own Sara Featherton creation and being Astanax's main love interest. Sara Featherton, Heather's alter ego, makes an appearance in the short stories of "The Stories of Sir Astanax Tahlmarine and Sara Featherton" along with a shadow demon horse named Knight.

Great friend of mine, but have not seem him since he married Kimberly, which will be two years at the end of March 2004.*UPDATE* Hawk and Kimberly have divorced, and Hawk rarely comes on anymore, and hasn't talked to me since letting me know about this.

Another great friend. Delita formed the §hrine Knights with Red Paladin Andrew from W.O.N. Chat. When Red Paladin Andrew left, Delita asked for me to become a §hrine Knight. I accepted, and by a vote between myself and Delita, accepted Hawk as a §hrine Knight.

I first met her in W.O.N. Chat back in December of 1997. She was girlfriend to Baron Zemo at that time. She is now engaged I hear, and I am happy for her. She plays as Princess Justine in the story, and was great friends with Spekta. *UPDATE* Justine gave birth to a lovely baby girl. Her husband's still a dick though...and she became a heartless bitch, but that's my I guess they were made for each other.

Greg Mondragon, one of the oldest chatters of World of Nintendo Chat alongside Eggplant Wizzard and RubberRat.

Rei McNeal the Quick Blade
One of those cool characters of World of Nintendo Chat who poked his head in the chat every now and then. I set up a little story for his World of Nintendo character in memory of how cool he seemed to be.

The Gifted Six
Brothers from Chicago. I met Flashbone first, then D'azer back in December 27th, 1997. I have not seen them nor their cousin Rain since 1999. I was friends for the longest time with Spekta and Mystikkal, or Myst for short. Rain was the last one of that lineage I have seen. The Gifted Six included D'azer, Magus X, Quiksoul, Mystikkal, Spekta, and Flashbone.

The girl that I saved from getting hit by a drag racer in a red Pontiac Firebird back in 2000. She also is my childhood friend.

Baron Zemo
Was boyfriend to Dusty back in 1997. Was heavy into wrestling. Had someone act like he was me in W.O.N. Chat. This stranger he hired nearly wrecked my good reputation in that chatroom. So that was almost the time "Astanax" was a bitter taste on the tongues of many. Last I heard, he was heavily into "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" movie, and watched over his father's pet shop. He is King Omez in the story.

Named Ness in the story, had a crush on Aeris for the longest time.

Lives in Kentucky. Was boyfriend to Luke and Flint. I had hoped for the longest time she would take Earthbound (EB) as her boyfriend and possibly her husband. *UPDATE* As of 10-02-07, Aeris was girlfriend to EB after a year or more of being his girlfriend.

Friend to Weowulf. Was named a fellow §hrine Knight of W.O.N. Chat, but corrupted it by making his own evil breed of §hrine Knights. He was no longer §hrine Knight Vormav, but Vormav §hrine Knight.

Friend to Vormav, was knighted as §hrine Knight before Vormav, but joined the new §hrine Knights that Vormav created.

Lives in Canada. I met her also at

Met her in W.O.N. Chat. Her personality mirrors that of the story.

Friends with Dopplekid. I gave her a sword while in W.O.N. Chat. She named it "Fred". She owned a pair of gold leafed tiger claw gauntlets in World of Nintendo Chat. Last I heard, she moved to Arizona. She plays as CaliKat in the story. Update: On my 21st birthday I mailed her a ticket to Medieval Times and a Stage Steel medieval sword whose spherical steel pommel I painted to replicate the dragon claw holding the blue orb. I also etched in Old English font the name "Fred". Calico09 was living in Orlando at the time, but she never showed up to my birthday party at Medieval Times.

Lord Mercury
Was boyfriend to Dusty. He has great wisdom for his age. A great person to sit and talk to when you are feeling confused.

Blackdragon Arcane
A Canadian. She first met me in a chat now lost while I was "roleplaying" in the chat. Her father is the owner of (The producers of "James Bond: The World Is Not Enough", used his machines in their movie). She plays as Arcane Blackdragon/Amber Goldstone.

Skie Cloudrifter
Went with Arcane to the chat that I spoke of. Is also Canadian, and real life friend to Arcane.

Foxy McCloud
A rarely seen figure in W.O.N. Chat, but had great wisdom whenever she was around.

Met her in She did live in Australia, but now lives in the U.K.

Lady Silverwolff
A kind hearted woman, but hated some of the people in W.O.N. Chat, and so found refuge at She took charge of Kip's chatrooms, and is now the owner of a famous webpage,

Used to be virtual husband to Aeris. I have not heard much from him afer his breakup with Aeris, even though I did act as the preacher for their wedding in Sim Battle Chat.

I must regret, he is a better writer than I, with far more inspiration. His stories can be found at Is friend to Calico09. Is named Lord Dopkid in the story. He also took part in the Merc Wars in the Dark Knight group. He was an Anti-Merc. Hint: Mercs=BAD. His group was also anti-Shinra. Shinra was a group during the Merc Wars. W.O.N. Chat had a lot of groups that took both sides of the war back in 1996-1997. I entered the chat right after the Merc Wars had nearly come to a close, and Jesse Smith decided to take the word "Merc" off the filtered words list. People, including myself, used the word Merç with a "ç" to bypass the filter. The Dark Knights banded with a little known group called "The Paratrooper Special Squad". Thanks Dop for the info.

Princess Kitana
Named Serenity in the story. Friend to Princess Leia.

Princess Leia
Was boyfriend to Hawk before he found Kimberly. Hawk was enraged to find out that I wanted to have Leia as a girlfriend even though it was a year after they had already broken up. When I left the internet to go through basic training and schooling for the Air Force, she found no reason to stay on the internet. I have known her since January 1998, and her favorite place in W.O.N. Chat was the balcony, looking at the moon overhead.

SL Magus
Had his own group, himself "Shadow Lord". He was also a member of SeeD with Squall. And the credit goes to SL Magus for helping me make his profile as accurate as possible. I just try to type in what I remember to the best of my knowledge, and hope I don't screw up too bad =)

(Psst...if you girls think this guy is a hottie, click here.)

Married Hawk. I have not liked her because of not seeing eye to eye with her on some personal matters. But alas, I still wish to see a spark of happiness for Hawk with his wife, as the reason for their happy ending in the story.

Was in love with Leia, and hated Hawk with a passion. Right now he is pursuing his dream as an A-10 fighter pilot. I wish him the best of luck, and will sleep soundly knowing that he is watching the skies for the enemy when he does become an Air Force officer.

King Styruk in the story. Was the comic relief for W.O.N. Chat but has long since disappeared.

Hails from Arkansas. Met her alongside her friends when most of the old W.O.N.ers left W.O.N. Chat after lamers ran them out. They found refuge in, so I was the only one to greet Rosaline and her group to the barren W.O.N. Chat. Sadly, her group of friends broke apart as time went on.

Mr. R
A reclusive fellow, doesn't say much about himself. I still don't even know what his real name is.

Plays Sir Thadius Ratimeous in the story. The oldest known World of Nintendo chatter when it first opened up in 1996. Was an Anti Merc. I've kept in contact with him off and on.

Draxamus, Jim Rome, Nacho Man, Sizzle Sword, and Huminaboz
Fellow chatters of World of Nintendo Chat. Draxamus, Jim Rome, and I didn't get along for a while after a battle struggle of who would moderate Jesse Smith's Pokemon Chat. Them and Huminaboz kept in contact with each other via Live Journal at "NGSAM" (Nigga Go See A Movie). It was there I found out Huminaboz had a wife. Nacho Man was a WebTV user who was a wannabe hacker but he eventually grew up (I think). Sizzle Sword took over Sim Battle Chat back in 1999/2000 and changed the background to a animated rainbow themed background. He had his friends invite people to Sim Battle Chat so that the unsuspecting strangers could be booted once they made their presence known. This was back when BeSeen Chat had a booting feature. Sizzle Sword found me years later on AOL Instant Messenger and we talked about how much we've grown up since those times when we were in our teens.

Eggplant Wizzard
The first person I met in W.O.N. Chat on December 24th, 1997, when I first got on the internet. He helped me first find, and I had my free angelfire hosted webpage for seven long years before registering it to I do not talk to him anymore, but I still revere him as my longest friend on the internet. He appears as Sir Thomas Eggplant.

Only saw her a few times in Pokemon Chat which was run by Jesse Smith, the same guy who ran World of Nintendo Chat. Her way of doing things gave her merit enough to make a place in my novel.

Lord Jupiter
Friend to Lord Mercury.

Night Wizard Neptune
Also friend to Lord Mercury. Plays as Lord Neptune in the story. Thanks Lord Mercury for correcting me on what I did have on here before. See, told you he was a great guy to talk to when you are confused.