~My Place in the Spotlight~
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~My Place in the Spotlight~

Hi there! Welcome to ~My Place in the Spotlight~. Here you'll discover my love of music and even some info on yours truly. Take a moment to look around and check out my sites, sign the GuestBook, or drop me a line.....Enjoy!~
***NOTE: This page is under-construction and will be for awhile..I'm in college, so it's hard to find time. I have TONS of new stuff that will be added..so check back.***

~Check out some of my sites!~

My Info!

Pics from my summer with the U.S. Collegiate Choir in EUROPE

Photo Gallery

Some of My FAVORITE Quotes

Sigma Alpha Iota--My Fraternity (under construction)

Links for Music Lovers or Music Educators

Wanna Chat?...
Here is where you can find me!
You can E-mail me at aom98@hotmail.com
You can reach me through ICQ. My # is 29733198.

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This page last edited June 7,1999