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Poems By Jenna Jangula

Gift of a Pet

A pet's love is one of God's greatest gifts.
Always there for you.
Their love never lifts.
A pet is a friend to treasure and love.
A gift from the heavens,
A gift from above.
When you look into your pet's trusting eyes,
Something is there
That no one can disguise.
It's a look of complete love and something to admire,
It makes your heart melt,
And sets your soul afire.
When the day comes for you and him to part,
Your pet's soul is still with you,
He's still in your heart.
And at the Bridge he does what he used to,
Running, playing, jumping
And waiting for you.
And when you do enter heaven forever,
You find your still loving pet
And you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.

Joined by the Heart

The thoughts of our precious pets never seem to end,
They're our companions, our pals, and our very best friends.
Even when they are gone from earth, we never ever part,
They are always with you, staying in your heart.
A pet is never full of anything other then their love,
And they think of us, when watching from above.
They love us still while up in heaven's sky,
Their spirit comforts us when we cry.
They send their love and wait for us to join them forever,
That time when you meet again and cross the Bridge together.
And when it happens and you meet again, you are not to part,
You and your pet are together again, joined at the heart.

The Look In Your Eyes

The look in your eyes,
always full of love and joy.
Never a sad moment flashed through them
as they would gaze into mine.
Always full of shine and spark,
your eyes were always happy.
Then the day came when I would look into them for the last time.
I put my hand on your soft head, and you gave my hand a final lick,
and your tail a final wag.
We looked at each other in a silent moment,
then your sparking eyes lost their shine.
And I saw the life that once occupied your entire body,
slowly drain out of you.
The tears streamed down my face,
And I held your limp body close to me, not wanting to let go,
And burried my face in your fur.
I can feel your spirit lift,
And knew you had grown your angel wings.
I could feel you giving me your final goodbye.
I knew you were ok.
Meanwhile, I sit here waiting for my day to come,
When I grow my angel wings and fly up to Heaven's
clearing sky to be with you again.
I know you are at the Bridge waiting for me and I am waiting for you.
I love you my friend and will never forget the look in your eyes.