Madison Pictures

2008: (Not yet available)


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What's on TV?
December 29,2009


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Getting some serious rest...
February 27,2010
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Sitting like a human.
March 26,2010
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A close-up.
March 27,2010
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On her sixth birthday!
April 26,2010
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She got so excited about sitting on a paper sack that she sat in her wet food as well...
June 21,2010
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Madison hides in the sheets with just her paw showing.
Note those claws!
August 19,2010

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Posing for the camera this time.
August 25,2010
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Madison attempts to get to know the baby...
November 18,2010


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Madison looks a bit worried (and annoyed) again.
January 13,2011
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Looking so sweet!
January 15,2011
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Awwww...Such a sweet expression!
January 17,2011
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The baby took her box...
(She's not impressed)
February 9,2011
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Enjoying her crinkle sack and box.
February 13,2011
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Someone's grumpy!
April 6,2011

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Birthday girl!
7 years old!
April 26,2011
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Waiting on breakfast...
October 22,2011
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Perched on a storage tub...
December 14,2011
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December 14,2011
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Madison decided to lay on her presents before opening them!
December 24,2011