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Karate Motorcycle Resume Taiwan


Yao's picture

My name is Yao, an international student from Taiwan, R.O.C.. I came to the United States on August 22, 1995 after I finished my duty in the Taiwanese Navy. In May 1999, I graduated from the University of Texas at Arlington and received my Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems, a field that I like very much. The Department of Information Systems and Management Science not only provides excellent academic programs, but it also has an outstanding faculty.

Currently, I am working for a company called Stonebridge Technologies, which is an integrated e-Business solution provider in Dallas. I work there as a Web consultant. You are very welcome to visit our Web site at

I am also working on my Master of Science degree in Information Systems while I am working full-time during the day. I like it this way because some classes start making more sence to me.

My future goal is to obtain my Master's degree from UTA. Hopefully, I can concentrate in e-Business field...if they have that concentration by then...^_^

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