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Definition of a Vampire

Vampire n. (from: The American Heritage Dictionary)
1. In folklore, a reanimated corpse that rises from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping persons. 2. One who preys upon others as: a. An extortionist. b. A woman who uses sexual attraction to exploit men. 3.a. Any of various tropical American bats of the family Desmodontidae, that feed on the blood of living mammals. b. Names of various other bats, such as those of the family Megadermatidae, erroneously believed to feed on blood.

Vampire, n. (from: The Imperial Dictionary)
1. A kind of spectral being or ghost still possessing a human body, which according to a superstition existing among the Slavonic and other races on the lower Danube, leaves the grave during the night and maintains a semblance of life by sucking the warm blood of living men and women while they are asleep. Dead wizards, werewolves, heretics, and such like outcasts, become vampires, as do the illegitimate offspring of parents themselves illegitimate, and anyone killed by a vampire. On the discovery of a vampire's grave, the body all fresh and ruddy, must be disinterred, thrust through with a white-thorn stake, and burned. 2. A person who preys on others; an extortioner or blood-sucker. 3. A vampire bat.
