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Well, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. In case you haven't figured it out I'm a tigger fanatic, and I love to pounce people, whether i know them or not. It's sorta a hobby of sorts. Well, if you didn't want to be pounced on, I can't blame you i suppose, but remember, you came here of your own free will, no one forced you, so i'm not liable for any broken bones or sprained joints. If you enjoyed this page however, send it to your friends, let them enjoy it too. Again, if you took any offense, I appologize profusely, just don't come here, and it'll never happen again. No hard feelings, OK?






PS. Thats spelled tee-eye-double guh-errrrrrr

for those of you who didn't know.


PPS. By the way, send this to as many people as possible, who knows you

might have something nice and unexpected happen. If not, I am not to

blame. I only made the page, and I am not superstitious, so i hope you enjoyed it


If you are arriving here for the second or third time, you may notice a fey changes, i hope you like the new and improved page. Please feel free to send this page to anyone and everyone. I love pouncing people, so let me keep having my fun. Thanx for taking the time to read my page. Enjoy it to the fullest. In the words of the beloved Eeyore (my second fave character) "Thanks for noticing"

The Tigger Song:

The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are wonderful things

Their tops are made of rubber The bottoms are made out of springs

Their bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one


The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are wonderful chaps

Their loaded with vim and vigor They love to leap in your laps

Their jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one


Tiggers are cuddly fellows Tiggers are awfully sweet

Everyone else is jealous Thats why I repeat

The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are wonderful things

Their tops are made of rubber Their bottems are made outta springs

Their bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun


But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one

IIIIIIIIIIIIII'm the only one! Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Everyone wants to be Tigger, but I'm the only one!!!!!!

Me and all ny friends!



A little about myself:


My real name is Ricky Eugene Mitchell, Jr, which obviously means i was named after my dad. My parents are however now in the middle of a divorce, but oh well. I currently live in Fort Worth, Texas, but have also lived in varios places in Florida when i was younger, and after i graduated from high school (c/o 97) i joined the army, only to get discharged 6 months later. Nothing bad, I promise. I got to visit St. Louis, MO and Augusta and Atlanta, GA while i was in. I was born on September 19, 1979 the little hick town of Kingsville, Tx. I have a little sister named Laura (aka WALS or lilTaz), and my moms (aka unicorn) name is Sandra. Also living with us is my sisters fiancee, and one of my best buds, wesley (aka Scooby). Other than that i have a humungo cyber family. I have my mom, countrylyric, a sybertwin, teenangel, and a couple of other cyber sisters, gracie and tiger-ice. And the list just keeps growing. My hobbies (other than pouncing) include flirting, talkin on the phone, flirting, playing and chatting on the web, flirting, reading, flirting, sports, and oh, did I mention that I love to flirt. Flirting is other favorite hobby, along with pouncing people. Thanks for visiting my web page. Hope you enjoyed your stay.


(Finally a real picture of me. No calling me cute either, our i'll pounce you harder next time!!!!)

So you don't get lost in the Hundred Acre Wood

my first web page, check it out if u dare, though not as good

my good friend pooh-29 new web page, warning, under construction

my internet mom, countrylyric's web page. under construction, beware

my angel friends web page, like all the others on here it seems, it is still under construction.

my newest, and possibly my bestest web page yet, tiggers wall of friends. pics of me and some of my friends!!!!!


Some Tigger and friend wave files you might enjoy!!!!!


















if you find any you think i should add, let me know

ok, i guess i'll let you up now, if you really want...........


let me know what you think, or

if you have coments & email me

