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Animated Tumbleweeds! The Ultimate Adopt-a-pet!

On the look-out for the best internet pet possible? Look no further than this! You have found the ultimate adopt-an-internet-pet site available! This is where you sign up for your very own Tumbleweed! That's right! Tumbleweed! These critters are soooo easy to take care of. No washing, no feeding, and best of all, you open the door and they are on their way! Intrigued?
How much would you expect to pay for something as good as this? $20? I'm sory pardner, but you are way off!
$10? I'm not even hearing this!
Nothing? Good! That is how much they will cost you! Years of scientific study have allowed me to make these little critters in abundance thanks to the progress made in carbon copying sheep! Since sheep are better for selling, we went in one night and made a bunch of tumbleweeds! Now they want to be with you!
What do you have to do to get one? That's the easy part! Simple fillout the form on the next page, and then copy the code underneath the one you want to your website! Change the information that needs to be changed (name!) and voila! An animated tumbleweed of your very own!
Don't have a web page? Simple right click on the one you want with your mouse, scroll down to save as and choose where you want your tumbleweed to reside on your hard drive! They take up little space and won't eat anything! Ready to get yours? Click here to fill out the form!
