Skinner's Posessed


Skinner was sitting in his office eating baked beans when all of a sudden Mulder's dead body crashed through his window.

"Mulder! Damn it, boy, I told YOU TO KNOCK!!!" Skinner screamed, getting up from his chair. Skinner walked over to Mulder's limp, dead body, and inspected it.

"Oh, no! Mulder! You're dead!" Skinner exlaimed with shock.

"Who did this???" Skinner fumed, jumping through the broken window and getting bloody cuts from the glass. Skinner ran down the street trying to find who did it. Suddenly, he saw Krycek.

Skinner bulleted towards Krycek like a bullet, and then tackled him to the ground. "IT WAS YOU, wasn't it!!!" Skinner hissed, his hands around Krycek's kneck. Suddenly, Scully shot Skinner.

"What did you do that for, Agent Scully?" Skinner fumed. "Krycek didn't kill Mulder! We were chasing Krycek when we ran into a demon who killed Mulder!" Scully said, then started balling.

"Where is it???" Skinner snarled.

"It went over there!!" Krycek said, pointing under a bridge.

"I'm going to kill it!" Skinner said.

"No, sir!! It's too dangerous!!" Scully shouted!

Skinner ran under the bridge to kill the demon.

The demon jumped up and knocked Skinner over. Then the demon turned into a vapor which went up into Skinner's nostrils and posessed him.

Scully grabbed Krycek by the collar and ran over to get Skinner, but it was too late.

Skinner rose from the ground with a sinister look on his face.

"Sir?" Scully asked.

Suddenly, Skinner's head turned all the way around in a circle, and Scully knew something wasn't right.

Skinner's pupils began to flash red light.

"Let's get the crap out of here!" Krycek exclaimed, trying to get out of Scully's locked hand on his collar.

"No! I'm going to help him, and you're not going anywhere!" Scully said, handcuffing Krycek to a tree.

"He's gonna kill us!!" Krycek cried, panicking and struggling against the tree he was wrapped around.

Scully slowly approached her posessed boss, who was still standing there with a very grisly look on his face, more so than usual, and his eyes were still flashing red.

"Sir? Let me help you..." Scully said.

Suddenly, Skinner flew towards Scully.

"Hahahahahha!!! Dana, oh, Agent Dana, I'm going to make a soup out of you!!! WAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And I'll toast Krycek and dunk him in!!!" Skinner laughed evily. Krycek's eyes widened with terror and he struggled some more against the tree, then he started screaming through his tears. "PLease, Agent Scully!!! Don't let him toast meeeeeheeeheeeheee!!!" Krycek wailed.

"SHut up, damn it!" Scully hissed, grabbing her cross and aiming it at Skinner. Skinner hissed and recoiled. Skinner ran away.

"Look out!!" Krycek shouted as Skinner jumped Scully from behind and threw her cross into the stream.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Now is the time!!!" Skinner said, his eyes bursting from their sockets.

Suddenly, Mulder appeared and whacked Skinner over the head with Krycek's prosthetic arm.

"WaaaUH!" Skinner said, as Mulder tackled him. "Come on you stupid demon! Get outta Skinner, you little wretch!!" Mulder said, slapping Skinner. The demon came out of Skinner's nose in the form of vapors again, and then turned back to normal. Mulder grabbed it and beat it up, but then it slipped out of his grasp because he saw a UFO and got distracted.

"Mulder, I thought you were dead!" Scully cried with joy.

"I was dead, Scully, but now I'm back." Mulder said.

"Can I have my prosthetic arm back now?" Krycek asked.

Suddenly, Skinner woke up. "What? Where? Mulder, I thought you were dead!" Skinner grumbled, looking around himself wildly.

"I was, now I'm back." Mulder said.

"I can't believe I got posessed. That was really weird!" Skinner said.

Krycek broke free from his tree and ran over and grabbed his fake arm and then ran away.

Mulder got Scully her cross out of the river.

Skinner stood up and said, "Well, you two better get back to the office. And I'd better get back too." Skinner said, standing up. As they walked back, chuckling, Skinner wondered if his bake beans were still cold.