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A Texan Among Foreigners

Who is Tex?

Briefly, I am a Texan, retired Army, and I have finally returned to Texas. I am currently preparing for my next career. My expertise runs from admin to webmaster and some system administration thrown in for good measure.

I like to travel, read, cook, and other things. I have some experience in Japan, England, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Malta, the Canary Islands, Morocco, Mexico, and Korea. I also will answer questions (or direct your questions to others with more information) on the Army vs. the Air Force as a career.


    Top 10 Reasons why the Air Force is better than the Army!

  • Adult Leadership! (As opposed to the Army's great leaders such as the former(?) Sergeant Major of the Army, McKinney!)
  • Excellent munchies! (The different philosophies on (chow?)
  • The billets (dorms?) are much better and not as crowded.
  • The uniforms are cool! (Well, we won't go there.
  • Stable assignments. (You do not PCS (move) as much!)
  • Better (promotion) system. (A little slower but overall fairer system!)
  • Better base support! (Better Exchanges, Better Commissaries, better MWR, etc.)
  • More exotic places to go TDY. (Japan as opposed to Fort Bliss; Spain as opposed to Fort Hood; France as opposed to Korea!)
  • Better base maintenance.
  • Better base security! (But we won't go there now..)
  • Don't Forget to recommend this site to your vision impaired friends because it is...

    Parents, suitable for asthmatics of all ages!

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