Questions, Comments, and Pointless stuff

E-mail Address:
Homepage (if any) or page you like:

Favorite Lubbock Band?

Are you on the GIS MAILING LIST?

Your pick for "Band Most Likely to Escape Lubbock for bigger and better things?

What's yr all time favorite local band EVER!

What's yr opinion about what's going on in the music scene these days?

Are you in a band?

If you are, what band?

If not, do you have any interest in starting one?

Best Local Show you've ever been to?

Best show you've ever been to in general?

Favorite Non-Local Band?:

Do ya like the page? yeah, its coolnah, I've seen way better

Any suggestions on how I can make this page better?

Favorite Kind of music?

Thanks Alot!
