This little page is dedicated to the multi-talented, handsome, "movin on up", MATT BREWER whom I love dearly and of whom I am so very proud!!

  For those of you who don't know Matt yet, please read
  thru the history of his rising career;  and for those
  of you who are already fans,  you may find  something
  in his story you didn't already know.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of Matt.

Click to send Fan Mail to Matt.

Matt starting singing when he was 3 years old. Every day he came home from Nursery School with a new song he had learned. The amazing part was he could remember all the words and was usually right on key. I started recording him on a small cassette recorder so when he grew up and became a big STAR I would have that tape to blackmail him with!! HA! HA!
Matt was active in Show Choir in school beginning in 5th grade.His very first solo was singing "The Fifty States that Rhyme" in Mrs. Marrs music program in Copperas Cove, TX. I knew that night he was destined for greatness. Just learning the words to that song was an accomplishment, but his flair for dramatics made him the hit of the Show. He studied music with Mrs. Marrs for two years and was the youngest student to attend Show Choir Camp in Denton, TX. He got to study with the reknown Mac Huff and the girl who did the voice of "The Little Mermaid", Jody Benson. Even though he was the youngest student at the camp he was chosen to perform three solos in the show put on for the parents at the end of the camp. At age 14 Matt started singing at various amateur Jamborees and quickly became the favorite. It didn't take him long to realize that there was money to be made with his talent. He auditioned for and was hired to perform at the Johnny High Country Music Revue in Arlington, TX and performed professionally on the stage of the Johnny High show several times where he met and became friends with Country Music's newest and youngest star, Lee Ann Rimes. Even at the age of 10, Lee Ann could out sing anyone in the business with her grown up voice. Matt even has one of her first albums, produced by her father and an autographed picture of Lee Ann when she was with the Johnny High Show.
Matt was building his reputation as a Country singer as he traveled around the state performing at various Jamborees such as the Burleson Jamboree and the Country Rose Opry in Harker Heights. Matt was nominated as Entertainer of the Year at the Burleson Jamboree. He also was in demand to perform at festivals and fairs in the Central Texas area. Before long Matt got the urge to start his own band. So, at the tender age of 15, he and I (his mother) formed a partnership and entered the fast-paced and ever changing world of Country Music, forming our own entertainment company we named "Starbound Enterprises".
The first order of business was to put together a band that could help Matt attain his goals of being a professional entertainer. It wasn't easy to find musicians willing to take a chance on a youngster with big dreams and not much experience. However, Matt was a determined young man and showed the guys what he could do musically and proved he was serious about his goals. The band came together at last and became known as "Southern Pride". The original group consisted of 3 members and Matt. Lead guitarist was Jim Guest, who had played with such greats as Reba McEntyre, Sylvia and Frenchie Burke. Jim had retired from the music business several years before and really didn't want to get started in that hectic lifestyle again. After meeting with Matt he said he "saw something in Matt" that he knew could be nurtured and turned into "something great", so he agreed to give it one more shot. With Jim's assistance, we hired bass player, David Frady. David had played with several groups also and once had played for Delbert McClinton, another up and coming country singer. Next came drummer, Mike Mendoza, a young man of 18 fresh out of high school. Though not as seasoned as Jim and David, Mike was excited to have the chance to prove himself as a drummer at the same time Matt was showing the world a 15 year old could become a country singer.
The band started out playing the usual round of VFW's and small clubs, until Jim decided Matt was comfortable enough with the band to move up to bigger and better gigs. Within four months of forming Southern Pride the band hired a keyboard player by the name of Toby Brown. The added another dimension to the already diverse sounds of the band and made it possible for Matt to perform a wider range of songs that only a keyboard could do justice to. Matt's mentor was Garth Brooks and from the very beginning "Garth" songs were his favorite and best performed songs. And like his mentor, Matt was determined to give his audiences the same quality of entertainment.From the beginning the band "Southern Pride" was known as the band with the young kid who entertained his audience both on stage and off. Matt spent a lot of the evening out in the audience with his cordless microphone singing to the ladies, shaking hands with the gentlemen and getting to know the people, both young and old who came out to hear him sing. No one ever left disappointed after spending an evening listening to and dancing to the "hot", top 40 sounds of "Matt Brewer and Southern Pride".
Before long the band had moved on up to those better gigs we mentioned before, soon leaving the VFW's and small clubs behind. The first big break the band had was playing at the newest and hottest Club in Central TX, "Cactus Canyon" in Temple. Matt and the band proved they could satisfy the younger crowds as well as the older crowds and nothing could stop them now! One night a young lady who had sung with Matt at the Country Rose Opry sat in with the Band and sang a couple of songs. She and Matt just clicked with their harmony and natural flair for entertaining the crowds, so Matt asked Stacey Stark to become a permanent member of "Southern Pride". No one else in the Central Texas area had a band with both a male and female singer, so Southern Pride was unique in that aspect, but what really brought the crowds out to see them was the magnetism on stage between Matt and Stacey. The three and four part harmonies of the band was phenomenal and now Southern Pride offered the audiences everything they could hope for in an evening of entertainment, the young, top 40, sounds from Matt, country classics from Jim, and the female contributions of songs by Reba and Patsy Cline, performed so exquisitely by Stacey.
By this time David had left the band to go on the road with another band from Nashville, and bass player Bubba Norris and sound engineer Buddy Bomar came as a package deal to the family of Southern Pride. The addition of a professional sound engineer and the upgrade of sound equipment gave the band another boost up the ladder to success. Another member of the band fell by the wayside and Matt convinced drummer Vern Etheridge to switch bands and come on over to the Southern Pride side. Vern was and still is one of the best drummers in the business.In two short years Matt Brewer and Southern Pride had become one of the "hottest" and most popular Country bands in Central Texas. Loyal Southern Pride fans would follow the band from town to town every Friday and Saturday night.
All these months Matt managed to keep abreast of the latest country songs and maintain an "A" average in High School, as well as keeping up with the demands of his own High School Show Choir. I'm proud to say, Matt was a National Honor Society member and graduated in the top 10% of his class, even with the grueling schedule he had with the most popular band in Central Texas. 1995 was a banner year for Matt; he graduated from High School and was also voted as "Central Texas Favorite Country Singer".
After four years together, the inevitable happened; the band had a parting of the ways, as many other bands have in the past. Stacey moved away with her military husband, Bubba left due to work and family conflicts.Buddy went to work for another Band, Toby, Jim and Vern all stayed together to form a band of their own.Matt, now 19 and his new bass player Bryan Jaska, twenty-one (21), regrouped under the same name of "Southern Pride", adding drummer Billy Holt (19), lead guitarist Abel Ochoa (45),keyboard player Scott Leune (17); Rich Sweitzer (instrumentalist) and vocalist Rachel Owens (20). Matt now had a band of young musicians and all new to the game except Matt and Abel.He was excited about the extraordinary talents of this new group and they worked hard learning all the songs Matt liked to do in a very short time; adding some Tejano sounds from Abel and lots of harmony with Rachel, Rich, Scott, and Billy. Scott also played trumpet and Abel played harmonica. One of the best crowd pleasers was when the band played "La Bamba" and Scott brought out his trumpet after the first verse.Crowds just went wild over the versatility of this fresh young band. The bookings never stopped during the change over from the old Southern Pride to the new Southern Pride.Club owners were secure in the fact that Matt had talent and could always satisfy their crowds no matter what band was backing him up. Matt's talent for entertaining the audience never wavered and only became stronger over the months to come. Once again fate came along and changed the course of Matt's career. In November 1996 Matt auditioned for Fiesta Texas in San Antonio. Before he got home that evening the talent director called to offer him a position with a starting date two days later! Even though the band was beginning to really take off Matt could not pass up this opportunity to become a the professional entertainer he'd always dreamed of, and of course the money was just right! All the band members understood that Matt had to do what was right for his career so with an emotional final performance of "Southern Pride" in Brownwood the next Saturday night, Matt said good-bye to his band and a packed house of his fans and moved to San Antonio.

The "CHICKEN DANCE" is very popular in Texas.
That first season Matt performed at the Rockville High Theatre in the "Magical Musical Christmas Show". He not only excelled vocally in the show but was now able to show the world his talent as a dancer and actor. Matt quickly became a favorite of Fiesta Texas groupies as well as a dependable, versatile performer that the directors knew they could count on to step in and take over another singer's role in case of illness; this he had to do on several occasions during the Christmas season.
For the following Spring/Summer season Matt was cast in the "Warner Brothers Country" Show where he excelled in every solo he sang as well as the dance routines. Fiesta Texas decided to do two separate Country shows this season and incorporated a second show called "Country America" which was a varied selection of Country Classics from the 40's right up to the 70's. They did two shows of each every day of the week. Halfway thru the Spring Rockville needed an actor who could also sing and dance so Matt with his myriad of talent was asked to switch shows and do the part of "Cecil" in Reunion at Rockville High.
Once again Matt delighted the audience with his portrayal of "Cecil-the Class Nerd". His experience in theatre was definately a plus in this role. Matt had acted in lead roles in several productions at the Vive Les Arts theatre in Killeen and comedy was definately his strong point. He had played the lead role in "Brighton Beach Memoirs", "Biloxi Blues" and "Broadway Bound". Matt's unique talent for learning a variety of roles in a very short time earned him the respect of the talent directors of every show in the park. He was soon also subbing the part of "Reggie the Rock Star" two days a week.
Matt's talents were gaining the attention of other Theme Parks and he auditioned for Busch Gardens in Tampa, FL and was quickly offered a lead role in the "American Jukebox Show" as well as substitute for the Lead in the "Hollywood Live on Ice Show" which is rated the #1 Theme Park Show in America. So, after a short time-out to recover from back-surgery for a huge ruptured disc, Matt was off to Florida! Matt ended his one year contract with Busch Gardens in Sep 1998 to pursue another avenue on his journey to the top. Matt performed as the lead vocalist on Holland America's Cruise ship, the "Veendam". After a contract with Carnival Cruise Lines aboard the M.S. Imagination, Matt journeyed back to San Antonio for the summer of 2000 performing at Sea World in their new show, "Hollywood Live on Ice" (yes a revamped version of the show he performed at Busch Gardens in Tampa).Then it was back to the Cruise ship life with Royal Carribean.

For several months he played Munkustrap in the musical, production of "Cats" for the Broadway Palm dinner theatres. Most recently he played Cae in "The Sword and the Stone" in Ft Worth at the Casa Manana theatre.

This poem was written about Matt while he was at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, by Jan Edwards, San Antonio author, teacher and poet. Jan had it published in a poets magazine in San Antonio. She incorporated all the songs Matt sang in the Country shows within the poem.

Written for Matt With a watchful eye and a listening heart I have seen and heard how God has blessed you, His precious one, with talent untold. I've heard praise from others and felt the emotions within my being. The strength of your voice, your dance, your comedic features All are pleasing in His sight. You've left your mark with a healing song, that no one else can touch; You've lifted the spirit of country with "God Bless the U.S.A." As only you can powerfully sing; You've shown us the blue moon of Kentucky; And you've honored "Willie" And you've soothed heartaches by the numbers. No use "Pretending." All are blessings in disguise. You've caused people to like you, love you, and want some more of you. You are a God sent blessing to me, I love you and you will always have a special place in my heart that no one else can ever fill.
Due to a back injury Matt is no longer performing but is still singing at Church and various venues in the Dallas/Ft Worth area. In August he was 1st runner-up in the Voice of Pride for the Dallas area.


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