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Interview With A King

Interview #5

From Associated Press: A short chat courtesy of America Online.

AOL: "Is it true you never go to bed without looking under it first?"

King: "Nope. Not true. Sorry. If there really was something under there, it'd probably bite my face off."

AOL: "Have you reached all of the goals you set for yourself when you were younger? Or are you continually revamping them as you mature?"

King: "I never really had any goals other than to tell stories and to try and keep things fresh. So I guess I'm always setting the goal a step ahead. I'm having fun. Is that a goal?"

AOL: "Do you see yourself ever retiring to enjoy the fruits of your labor?"

King: "Not retirement, actually, but I can't wait to retire from the PR side of it. And if I start to write books that seem flat or uninteresting, I hope I have enough sense left to just write the stuff and put it in a drawer!"

AOL: "Are any of your kids following in their parents' footsteps?"

King: "All of my kids like to write. My wife [Tabitha King] is also a novelist, and so the kids all have some pretty good genes that way. Are they the writers of tomorrow? Who knows?"

AOL: "Do you have a favorite book?"

King: "This probably sounds self-serving, but I like Bag of Bones the best. For now, at least."

AOL: "Are most of your books based on your own childhood fears?"

King: "Now, why are we on my childhood? Could it be you think I'm...well...a little strange? Actually, I had a very normal childhood. There was the cannibalism, of course, but..."

AOL: "Do you and your wife share ideas about stories?"

King: "Usually not while we're actually writing, but we swap manuscripts and criticisms. Man, she can be tough. Always fair, though. She really supported me during the work on Bag of Bones."

AOL: "What are the chances of you and your wife, Tabitha, writing a book together, like you did with Peter Straub?"

King: "Sounds like a quick ticket to divorce court. I don't think we could do it. Although the thought has crossed my mind."

AOL: "Do you consider yourself a horror writer? Or a writer?"

King: "Just a writer."

AOL: "As an author, do you ever have times when you can't think of a single page -- not even a single word -- for a story?"

King: "No. I've never had a real writer's block."

The End

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