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ACC 101


"She is a great teacher. Explains everything really well. She goes over the homework every class. Gives you the noter and test review questions. Her test are really easy if you attend class. I got a b." - Student - Grade: B

ACC 231


"When I signed up for this class (my second attempt), all I heard was "Don't take Clark." I signed up for Smith, but got a surprise on the first day of class when we were told there was a change of plan and we'd have Clark. I think about half the class went to drop the class that very day. I went into the semester prepared for the worst, but it went great. I loved Dr. Clark. He gets in there, says what needs to be said and that's it. I took the class during the summer so maybe he was more laid back, but he had a great sense of humor. You better do the homework and study for the tests, but he's a nice man." - Student - Grade: B


"Take this class she is great and refreshing. She will breakdown accounting to where children can understand. But you can not be lazy just do the homework and half way pay attention in class and you'll get an B!." - Student - Grade: B


"Pretty hard if you don't like accounting. Tests are difficult yet she always seems to add 5-14 points each test...just to be nice. Anyway, a good class, nice teacher, glad to help. 4 tests, homework, group project. Way better than Clark." - Student - Grade: B

"Ms Phillips is hailairious! Her class is easy going and fun. Her tests are kinda tough, but so is Accounting in general. She usually adds points to the make at least a C on each one and you'll do fine! I'm taking her for 232....if she teaches it!" - Student - Grade: B

"Good teacher, she doesn't teach anything until after you've done the work. She curves her tests BIG, I made a 72 on a test and after the curve had a 96. She is a nice lady." - Student - Grade: A

"Ms. Phillips is a nice teacher but very unorganized. She relies on other students to do the work and if the student is wrong then she looks stupid. She never brought a calculator to class and never had the problems worked out. Tests were very hard to understand and she asked questions that we did not go over. You have to attend class to pass the class. Takes alot of time and energy to do the homework. But I guess she is one of the better teachers in the Accounting Dept.." - Student - Grade: C

A. Smith

"Some people swear she's a Dragon Lady, but I liked her. She's hard as nails and expects you to make an attempt to learn the material, and I like that about a teacher. If you don't want to get on her bad side, do NOT be late to class! I saw her go ballistic one morning when about 5 people trooped in late in 5 minute intervals. Yikes! She WILL take up homework every now and then, and you can expect surprise pop quizzes if she thinks nobody did their homework for the day. If you're the kind of person that doesn't always do homework, do NOT sit at the front table! She often bellies up to it and looks down at the students' papers. If you don't have the completed work sitting in front of you, you're DEAD MEAT! Also, you cannot bluff your way through any essay questions on her tests. One memorable moment from her class was when she went on a rant about people trying to fool her on a test. She told us that whenever she saw a "bluffed" answer, she would scrawl "BS" on it! I think everyone knows what "BS" means by now. Her tests aren't that bad, but you DO need to study. She IS available for help and will do so! She's a tough but good teacher. Definitely not good for slackers!" - Student - Grade: B "Raving lunatic bitch. Her hard as nails approach may be nice for some students, but all her superior attitude did for me was to upset me and on one particular office visit, reduce me to tears. I did ask her for help on my assignment and she accused me of trying to "hoodwink" (her word) her. She treats students as though they are in kindergarden and laughs at students if they ask a question that she deems "basic." Don't reccomend to anyone human that has feelings. Her tests aren't very hard if you can endure her sarcastic, mocking, relentlessly evil personality." - Student - Grade: B


ACC 232


"Don't ever take this man. He class is extremely hard. He goes over several chapters in one day without even explaining the concepts in each one. His class policy SUCKS! Most of the homework is group assignment and group quizzes. So, avoid CLark for 232." - Student - Grade: F

Corbin( AKA Phillips)

"First the good: She DOES curve her tests anywhere from 4-10 points. She has a carefree and easygoing attitude at first blush, and seems ikeable. Now the bad: She obviously couldn't care less about teaching this class, and it shows. She's scatterbrained and extremely unorganized, often forgetting her book or bringing the wrong book to class and having to get the right one. When the bell rings, it's time to turn in the test. No extra few minutes to finish up! Turn it in NOW! She can be rude and obnoxious, and will purposely mispronounce peoples' names. She makes sarcastic and cutting remarks to people in her class, then tries to smooth it over by saying something semi-nice. *GAG* This is a technique known as the lefthanded compliment. Example: "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing something like that, but...I guess it looks good on you!" *barf* If there had been someone better, I would have taken them. But from what I hear, the alternatives! are worse. :( P.S.- She lives for her next cigarette!" - Student - Grade: B

"I HATED this woman! I managed an A with absolutely no help from her! I consider myself a very serious student and do not mind working for my grade. However, I did attempt to visit her at her office on one occasion and she was so inconsiderate, that she did not even have the courtesy to remove her hand from the mouse and continued to play her solitaire game the entire time I was trying to speak to her. She finally blew me off and said that if I didn't understand after class to come back! Her exams are do-able, but her watch out for her multiple choice questions, very tricky! She will curve on the exams. She is also very rude to people in class." - Student - Grade: A

ACC 332


"Don't take her if you can help it. She knows what she is talking about, but she can not explain it very well. She has a hard time communicating her thoughts across to the students. Everyone struggles in her class. Ask lots of questions is my only advice." - Student - Grade: C


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