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Welcome to my place!


Ok everyone, thanks for visiting my little homepage here. I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in forever, but just for all my friends out there who think I dropped off the face of the earth - I am alive and well I assure you! This homepage soon be undergoing revnovation, and will probably look a little weird from time to time as I change stuff around and see what I like best. If YOU have any comments or suggestions for me, please e-mail me at and let me know!

As for what's current in my life. Well I am finally back at Texas Tech for my fourth year. I was at home this summer and didn't have internet, which is why none of you ever saw me around! But I am back now and going strong! As most of you know, I am majoring in architecture, and I have only 2 more years left and then I will *hopefully* have my Masters degree. I'm working REAL hard to maintain a decent GPA (currently about a 3.4) so I can get into Grad school this December and also so I can get a good job.

Thanks for stopping by! Please sign my guestbook and let me know that you're here and/or ran across this homepage and let me know what you think! =)

I had a great summer, although I was extremely busy with school and I also had a full time job as an intern at an Architecture firm back in my hometown of Fredericksburg, Texas. I really miss all of you guys, and feel free to e-mail me and let me know that your all still alive and stuff. I hope everyone's doing well and having fun in college - I know that I certainly am now that I'm 21! =) But we won't get into that now, will we?

So anyways, that's about all I have to say for now. Like I said earlier, please be patient with me while I slowly attempt to update this page and make it somewhat better - or at least different! I am still awfully busy with school and such, that I don't ever get the chance to go to chatalyst anymore. BUT, to make up for that, I do have ICQ and AIM. You can nearly always reach me on either of those two (preferrably AIM). My ICQ number is 12230607, and my AIM name is rb beau. Look me up cause I'd love to hear from you! Bye for now. Hope everyone has a great semester!

OH, another thing...this is VERY important. Whoever last signed my guestbook and is from South Dakota, PLEASE let me know who you are, because I am awfully curious. Just e-mail me and let me know. Thanks, I appreciate it!

Last Update: 8-30-00

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Please sign my guestbook and you can e-mail me if you like.


Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Texas Tech college of Architecture
Texas Tech University!
my favorite band - the dave matthews band!
pictures and other boring stuff
some friend's of mine
100 ways to tell if your an architecture major, and 100 ways to be thankful that you're not
My page of architecture links
NEW!!! My portfolio of my work!!
