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The purpose of this site is to guide you to the key issues associated with autism. Did you know that your school district (In this country), is required to find children in need of special education services in your community? This includes infants and preschoolers who would benefit from early intervention.
Why then are so many children not served? Although PDD is only one diagnostic category of disability, it is also the least understood by the public and the schools . Many children with PDD are misdiagnosed and placed in ineffective or harmful programs. Like any other family faced with this diagnosis, as you explore the options and resources available in your community, you will find on the one hand the unlimited potential your child has, and, on the other, the many limits others try to place on their future. This is where a parent, facing a system with many flaws and pitfalls, must not compromise their vision of their child's future.

           Links to helpful sites on the Web
 Autism/PDD Resources NetworkOnline information, support and resources 
 on Autism/PDD and Asperger's Syndrome with an in-depth introduction to autism, 
 state resources, estate planning and special needs trust, a useful autism checklist, 
 special education laws, list of autism bulletin boards, brief on different treatments 
 and approaches.  

ADA& Disability Info.  Special Ed. Programs  Study of Autism Virtual Reference
Autism Network  Med. Reference Library. A.Academy of Pediatrics  Internet Library
MedScape Home School Info. Cityguide MedWeb

Children sites on the Web
IKids Electronic Zoo OWLkids Online Web Library for Kids
Yahooligans Knowledge Adventure Science Mag. for Kids

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© Last updated 12/12/97.