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I created this page so everyone could enjoy the beauty and mystery of fantasy art. My favorite fantasy artist is Boris Vallejo, he did most of the art in the D&D Role Playing game books. I think he captures the essence of Role Playing in all of his pictures. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Scroll down for the newest pictures. If you like Role Playing feel free to visit the Red Dragon Inn for some great role playing chat.  Anyway enjoy the pictures and hope to see you soon.

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bax1.jpg (109176 bytes) boris18.jpg (84081 bytes) boris48.jpg (81433 bytes) Britorgan.jpg (138556 bytes) cesis.jpg (206780 bytes) dragonfly.jpg (84910 bytes)
greenmon.jpg (53033 bytes) gryphon.jpg (94564 bytes) lizard.jpg (84239 bytes) madien.jpg (83384 bytes) medusa.jpg (139045 bytes) pedrum.jpg (183707 bytes)
pegasus.jpg (102430 bytes) sorceress.jpg (84669 bytes)