11th (Spaight's) Battalion Volunteers

Company F

Abshier, A.J.
Ainsworth, J.T. Akins, H.A.
Alger, Samuel A. Altman, Jost
Anderson, S.
Andress, Joseph
Atkins, Coleman
Atkins, William J.F.
Barber, Joseph A.
Bames, Jacob
Bames, William S,
Barrow, Amos
Barrow, Benjamin F. (No. 1)
Barrow, Benjamin F. (No.2)
Barrow, Benjamin S.
Barrow, H.V.
Barrow, John
Barrow, John A.
Barrow, John S.
Barrow, L.J.
Barrow, Reuben L.
Bcriar, Antoine
Bingle, Christian, Artif
Brooks, Benjamin F.
Brooks, James H.
Brown, B.W., AQM
Brown, Henry
Brown, James A., Sgt.
Brown, John, Cpl.
Bryan, David B., Cpl.
Chapman, George W.
Chapman, H.C.
Chapman. James M., Cpl.
Chriswell, A.J.
Clough, William
Cotton, Wiley
Courtney, John
Daily, Austin
Dever, Holsten H., Jr.2nd Lt.
Dixon, James
Duncan, George C., 2nd Lt.
Duncan, William B., Capt.
Fisher, Amos
Fisher, Solomon
Foster, Clement, Music.
Fraser, I.V.V., Cpl.
Goodwin, George I.
Goodwin, John M.
Griffin, James
Hankarner, Charles, Cpl.
Hankamer, Frederick
Hankamer, J. William, Sgt.
Hargraves, Edgar
Henley, John
Higginbotham, J.
Hill, Pleasant C.
Huebsch, John F.
Jim, Ch.Cook
Jones, James J., Sgt.
Jones, M.H.
Jones, Shadrach, Sgt.
Kirkham, James
Lawrence, Daniel
Le Blue, Alphonse
Lee, Barnett H.
Lee, Benjamin S.
Lyons, Abel B., 1st Sgt.
Maley, William
Martin, W.S.
Martin, Willison R., Artif
Maton, John
Maxwell, Lafayette
McGraw, Wiley
McManus, V.R.
Miller, Elijah
Miller, James L.
Mitchell, Casper
Mitchell, Christian
Moore, Benjamin T.
Moore, James J.
Moore, John C.C.
Moore, William C.
Owens, John
Palmer, David C., Sgt.
Payne, William
Perkins, S.R.
Pickering, Andrew J.
Pitman, Elias
Price, Thomas W.
Pruett Edmond
Pruett, Hezekiah
Reese, James
Ritchie, John A. Rosenbaum. H.
Sanderson, Samuel
Scales, George M., Comsy.Sgt.
Shelton, Amos C.. 1st Lt.
Simmons, Lafayette, Far.
Smith, Bryant
Smith, Hezekiah
Smith, John
Smith, Silas
Smith, William M.
Spaight, A.W., Lt.Col.
Spinks, Benjamin F.
Spinks, Randolph
Stingler, George
Thomas, John F.
Tilton, Benjamin W.
Trowell, A.B.
Watson, John
Weed, Alexander
Weed, Alfred
Weed, John
Welch, Henry C.
Wiggins, Daniel X.G., Cpl.
Wilbom, Luther
Wilboum, Benjamin F.
Winfree, P.B.
Word, William W.
Worsham, Leroy
Wright, Edmond
Wright, William A.

Texans in the Civil War
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