11th (Spaight's) Battalion Volunteers

Company E

Abbott, James W.
Adains, H.I.
Adcock, George W.
Adcock, Richard
Andrews, C.
Andrus, Elair
Andrus, Emile, Sgt.
Bames, Alvertis
Barton, W.J.
Beaumont, Jacob, Cpl.
Beaumont, Jacob K.
Beaumont, John A.
Bellard, Julien
Benoit, Francois
Birdwell, Robert P.
Blackstock, Thomas 0.
Blanchet, A.
Block, Albert
Boudreaux, Jule
Bovet, Henry
Bowden, W.L.
Bozeman, William
Broussard, Demeville
Broussard, Moise
Brown, Thomas F.M.
Browning, Reuben
Bryan,John K.
Burges, Francois
Burrell, Robert
Cain, Elijah
Cain, Isaac T.
Cain, John M.
Cain, Richard
Callahan, John C.
Carr, Josiah M.
Carr, Thomas J.
Carter, Alfted
Carter, Joseph
Clark, Thaddeus L.
Clubb, William R., Sgt.
Cochran, Jacob
Collier, C.C.
Collier, James T.
Collier, John
Collier, John
Collier, Sterling
Cussen, Thomas H., Cpl.
Daniel, Aaron K.
Daniel, James W.
Daniel, Marion A., Cpl.
Daniels, M.
Dodd, Charles D.
Dougherty, Patrick, Cpl.
Ecles, James F.
Ford,John H.
Fowler, William
French, David
French, John J.
Furlow, Alexander
Gallier, Jacob
Gallier, Joseph
Gardner, Charles H.
Gentz, Charles C., Cpl.
Gentz, Frederick
Gentz, William
Gill, James M.
Gill, Robert L., 1st Sgt.
Golden, John A., Music.
Golden, William M.
Granger, George
Green, Daniel
Haney, James A., Cpl.
Hargraves, Desire
Hargraves, Joseph
Hargraves, Levi
Harrell, Elisha A., Music.
Harris, Henry K.
Hartley, George F.
Hatton, Robert M.
Hays, Oscar
Herring, John J., 1st Lt.
Hillebrandt, C.E.
Hixon, James H.
Hoffman, John
Holst, Oscar
Hudson, Anderson M.
Huggins, Robert
Jacquin, Honore
Janney, Emile
Johnson, Cave
Johnson, John T., Adj.
Johnson, Zachariah G.
Johnston, Mathew H.
Jones, Solomon
Jordan, H.
Joyce, J.M.
lunker, Wilson A., 1st Lt.
Kent, Ambrose D., 2nd Lt.
Kibodeaux, Nicholas
King, James W.
Kirkham, Milton
Lacombe, Pierre
Landrum, Gabriel, Artif
Landrum, Solomon, Sgt.
Laudry, Jacob
Lewis, John J.
Lewis, William H.
Long, James M., 1st Lt.
Love, John J.
Mansfield, Sylvester
Matchall, Thomas
Matte, Antoinne
Matte, Joseph
Matthews, Aaron C.
McCall, John
McClelland, I.
McClure, Henry C.
McClure, Levi
McElroy, William M.
McFaddin, John A.
McKee, Josiah
McKee, Samuel
McKinney, Minor P.
McLain, Hilliard R., Sgt.
McWilliams, Henry C.
McWilliams, P.E.
Michell, V.
Middleton, John W.
Millard, Henry
Millard, Henry B.
Monti, Nicholas
Moore, Asa
Morgan, John B.
Morgan, William 0.
Morris, Alonzo
O'Bryan, George W., Capt.
O'Bryan, Robert P., Jr.2nd Lt.
Odom, William
Pattillo, Daniel A.
Pattillo, Lemuel A.
Pattillo, Leroy
Pattillo, Simeon
Pattillo, William R.
Phillips, John T., Sgt.
Platte, Charles
Poole, M.
Potter, Harry, Cpl.
Ray, Tryon
Reagan, Michael W.
Reese, George F.
Richard, Joissin
Richard, Paul
Richardson, Adcock
Riggs, Henry
Riley, Owen
Ritchie, -
Rogers, James R., Cpl.
Rowley, George H.
Ruff, Robert
Ryner, W.
Schupp, Francis
Schussier, Francis
Spell, Benton, Sgt.
Spell, E.
Spell, Sterling
St. Cyr, Alexis
Swift, Silas G.W.
Swinford, Eberle, Sgt.
Tcrhon, E.
Tevis, Benjamin F.
Thibodeaux, A.
Thibodeaux, Jean D.
Tieman, James
Trahan, Camille
Trahan, Leo
Trahan, Oscar
Trahan, P.
Tucker, John
Vincent, I.
Vincent, William
Vosburg, William
West, John
West Richard L.
West, Solomon
West, Thomas H.
Wheeler. Nathan
Willis, John A.
Wilson, Douglas W.
Wood, John
Woods, Henry
Woods, W.G.

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store