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Michael T. Barrier

  M.T. Barrier was born in Alabama in 1830. His first wife, Amanda M., was born in Louisiana in 1832. Michael came to Texas with his family as a child (11-15 years old). He married Amanda before 1850 and they are listed in the Titus Co., Tex Census of 1850 with no children. He was a farmer. In the 1860 census he is listed with his wife Amanda 3 children, and his mother, Elizabeth, 58 years old, born in Ky. Is living with them. In the 1870 census he has 5 children, and his mother is no longer in the household. On the 1880 census there are 6 children living at home, the youngest my grandfather, Major Eli Barrier. M. T. Barrier died in late 1905 or early 1906. A will submitted for probate by his second wife, R. C. Barrier, Jan 16 in Morris County suggests this. Michael T. Barrier served in the 19th Texas Infantry, Company G.

Submitted by Kay Aileen Barrier Smitherman



Texans in the Civil War