Optional page text here. Code Description 10th Texas Infantry

10th Texas Infantry

Banks, A., AQM

Curry, Andrew

Davis, Allen G., Teamster

Dial, Joel, Chap.

Earle, Isham, ACS

Gantt, William H., Surg.

Heame, Joseph T., I st Lt.,Adj.

Holeman, W.

Johnson, J.D.

Keff, James H., Asst.Surg.

Leer, Lewis G., Music.

Mills, Roger Q., Col.

Nelson, Allison, Col.

Smith, R.A., Asst.Surg.

Stewart, Charles, AQM

Stewart, David F., Surg.

Swain, Wilson, Music.

Taylor, G.W., AASurg.

Thompson, Dock R.M., Music.

Trebble, G.W., Asst.Surg.

Young, Robert B., Lt.Col.

Texans in the Civil War
The General Store