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Recently, I have been going through some rough times as some of you may know. Others may not. In any case, it seems that I am not keeping up on what I should-- Mostly my time with God. I know that this happens to all of us at one time or another, so let me encourage those of you who are also there: It is never too late to get it right.

I have also been on ICQ quite a lot lately talking to people. Some I get to talk to about God, others not. If you are a christian then I encourage you to check out Andy's page, (Click here or on the link below) and see if it might apply to you.

Member of the STRIKE force

If you are not a christian, then may I ask you why? Does it seem that you know more than the One who created us? I find myself in this category often. Knowing that He is more infinite and greater than I, and yet I'm always seeming to think that my way will work out this one time, when in fact, it messes up so terribly that I have no idea how to straighten it out! And those are the times that I keep turning back to Him.

How I wish that I were different, and so I try to be. But I wonder why it is that I am so strong-headed about this and others as well. I suppose it could be that they have never seen the miracles that I have, nor have they ever experienced such peace that nothing can scare them. Perhaps they do not know how the Lord loves them so.

And, with those thoughts presented, I will share here what I have seen:

I have seen a young girl with mismatched legs have them both straightened out and be the same length-- Literally before my eyes! Talk about an experience! But that in itself was never enough for me...

I saw a man in a wheelchair for more than 10 years get up and walk about. I knew him personally.

I have seen a small child bring hope to her mother by telling her that God loved her. (Only as a child my friend.) How I wish that I had that child-like faith again.

I have nearly died, and God is the one that has kept me here. So, I know about healings, I have seen the miracles, I have read the book of Acts tons of times and want to see that in my life everyday. Yet, I still find that I slip away on a continuous basis. It is a decision that I MUST make everyday to be closer to HIM, and it is a decision you must make also, my friend.

I could tell you story after story of what God does for others. But I ask you, "What has He done for you?" Do you remember that test a long time ago-- The one you just had to pass, and in a moment of panic, you said, "Dear God, please let me pass". And then... Surprise! You aced it? Hmmmm.... Makes you think. What about that time you had such a headache and you could barely think, and you had reached the point where you begged Him to take the pain away, and not 5 minutes later, you were sound asleep? Or the mother, who during childbirth finds that there are complications, and silently cries out to God to save her baby? And He does! I realize that these things do not always happen. But think of the time when you were in a crisis, and you cried out, and He heard you and answered you.

Why do you think that is? Because He loves you and cares for you. And He wants to know you.

Perhaps you know God personally. Then again, perhaps you don't. If you do, then I encourage you to share what you know with others. If you do not, then I encourage you to ask Him in. Tell Him that you believe in Him, that you believe in His son, Jesus, who died on the cross that you might have a better life. And then ask Him to be with you for the rest of your days-- Guiding you and teaching you. Also, ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life, and to help direct you in what you do.

I realize that I didn't go into details here for you about all of these things, but if you would like to ask me question about it, then send me a private note at my ICQ or at , or ask Andy at his page, or at I am always open to questions from new believers. And I know that new christians have many questions about many things.

I also encourage you to tell others about the decision that you have made and to find a good word church in your area. If you do not know of a good church in your area, then leave me a note with your ZIP code and I will either find you one or get you in touch with someone who can help you find one.

And finally, start fellowshipping, or doing things with people that are christians. This not only helps to build your faith, but it also gives you a chance to share what God is doing in your life, and a chance to hear what He is doing in others' lives.

Also, get a Bible. The King James or the NIV are versions I suggest. Start to read about this wonderful God. I suggest that you start out in Acts, and then read the rest of the New Testament, and after that the Old Testament. I know it will be hard to schedule it in some times, but make the time. Your life will change because of it... I promise.

Here are some pictures of me

Gen 15:1 (Thanks Dr. Leroy Thompson)

Intelligent people talk about ideas, Average people talk about things, Dumb people talk about other people. Where are you in the line-up? * from my friend, Andy *

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