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Don't worry, you're the only person who can access that information. It won't be posted anywhere, and even I can't access it. Just don't want to scare you.

~The SongSheet~
* denotes New

Stay Away *
Run, Baby, Run *
Life is What You Make It! *
You're Mine*
One More Day*
Baby, Baby, Goodbye*
I Want You*
Don't Be Afraid (I'm not gonna bite!)*
Your Holy Place*
(Sorry, honey) You Blew It!*
Writer's Block
Maybe it's You
Dying In The Rain
The Fall
Forever Now
Gently Break My Heart
She's Gone
The Star That Leads You Home
The Masquerade
One Day
Come Out of the Rain
What A Woman Wants
My Only
Am I the Only One?
All You Need
Devil With A Halo
Mom and Dad
I Need A Life
Back To Eden, my favorite!

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NEW:Crazy facts you never knew!*
Awesome Quotes*
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Copyright (c) 1998,1999 by Ruth Anne Pedersen. All rights reserved. Reproduction by any means, including storage in any electronic medium, is strictly prohibited without the express, prior, written consent of the author. To request reprint or other use permission, write Ruth Anne Pedersen at