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Morton FFA

Morton, Texas

School Starts August 15

2000 - 2001 OFFICERS

President - Tiffany Shields

Vice President - Russell Merritt

Secretary - Ashley Stevens

Reporter - Manuel Acevedo

Treasurer - Cody Albus

Sentinel - Dreu Kirkland

Student Advisor - Dustin Merritt

Click the emblem for news articles and releases, and, a calendar of events

Seniors from our Chapter are starting to receive Financial Scholarships. We will post those here.

Texas FFA Scholarship

Ollie Williams and Becky Shields

National FFA Scholarship sponsored by Ford Motor Company
-Becky Shields

National FFA Scholarship sponsored by Monsanto
- Ollie Williams

State Fair of Texas - Ollie Williams

Southwestern International Livestock Show; El Paso --Ollie Williams

City Bank - Morton Sr Ag Scholarship - Ollie Williams

Jeff Erwin Terry Memorial by Robert, Neta, and Ross Terry
-Ollie Williams and Becky Shields

Albus Farm Equipment by Landra and Curtis Albus
Becky Shields and Dane Gillespie

Texas FFA Homepage

Advisor: Bobby Oaks
500 Champion
Morton, TX 79346
(806) 266-5505
FAX: (806) 266-5780

to visit the Morton ISD page click on the emblem

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