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Mike And Deb's Homefront

Well this is the father and the mother. I hope. The beautiful bride that is in front of you is Debbie and of course the handsome groom is Mike. We have been married for 12 short years. Sometimes seem like 11 long years. But most of the time it is great. Our wedding took place in Friona Texas on April 7th 1990. Now we call our homefront out in a ranch. Between Amarillo and Lubbock.
Howdy All
This is one of our precious gifts that god has given us. Her name is Heather Mikayla Diane and is 9 years old. She is in 4th Grade and is very excited about going to her new school in Convington Tennessee which is a magnet school that has started up this year. Our little girl loves to participate in beauty pageants which we let her enter a few, but you know being the proud parents, our little darling has nothing to prove to us. Now she has taken up sotball which she truly enjoys every year. Which she loves......We will see what she comes up with next. Every year that goes by I can see her growing up and becoming a young lady that I cherish more and more as the days go by.
Hola !!!!!
This is other amazing gift that God has given us. His name is Dustin and is 11 years old. He is in sixth grade.So I can imagine his hormones are kiking in. Way to go son.LOL That is telling you one thing. Mama is getting old. But not dad. Hehe. He also is enjoying his start of a new school year. He has alot more challenges ahead of him but I think that will be good for him. Our son is participating in his second year of competitive football and his Dad Is coaching him this year. Thinking he is hating Dad right about now but if he is going to be a Dallas Cowboy someone has to coach him right.A parent can't help it but love the little ones that the Lord has given them... Cherish your littles ones whether they be healthy or not they are alive and God has given you what you always wanted.... We will always love ours with all our hearts. I am very proud of my kids.Dont matter what they make of themselves just as long as they try in this world they will always make me happy.
Well as you can see we have Bubba which is me Mike.. That nickname was given to me like about 4 years ago and I have no idea why... But oh well they use it and I cant get them to change it... I am 36 and have been hitched for 13 years. The next Lady is my Beautiful wife and has no nickname yet... Even though I could think of one it would not be nice.. Hehe.. Just kidding .. She has been the light of my life and takes all of my crap.. She is 35 years old and has been married oh ya know that.. The next picture is the best of them all.. The reason I say that is because this is the first family picture we have taken since we have been a family. That is we have never had a family pic taken. Til this day of Nov.22, 1998.. Whew!!!! that has been a very long time without a family pic.. Just glad that we still had the chance to take one together.. You see there is another thing that I can be greatful for... I know some of you cant enjoy these as much as I can. But hope you can at least try to enjoy..