<center><font size="7">Welcome to the Squirrel Hazing Crisis Center Online</font></center>

Welcome to the Squirrel Hazing Crisis Center Online

What Do These Three Squirrels Have In Common?



They are all dead -- the unfortunate victims of squirrel hazing.

Welcome to the Squirrel Hazing Crisis Center's Online Home! Squirrel hazing is a terrible thing! TO learn about it click here or to view my page on squirrel hazing click here. Anyway the Squirrel Hazing Crisis Center is set up by me A.P. aka Maskedman to help squirrel hazing victims medically and psychologically, we also help prevent this evil evil, torture! If you are a squirrel right now surfing the net as a kind of hazing don't take the torture! Stand for your rights and join us at SHCC!! Again please click here to learn about squirrel hazing or you will have no idea what this is about!!!!!SAVE THE SQUIRRELS!! Please email here to give your help towards saving the squirrels and send donations to PLEASE!!! IT IS FOR THE GOOD OF ALL SQUIRRELS PEOPLE! I am constantly adding to these pages so keep dropping by! Please email me your comments and they may be added as the public's reaction thanks!

This page has been created and posted by A.P. aka Maskedman, it is also a spinoff of this page http://web.wt.net/~psherr/squirrel_hazing.htm. You can also find it linked under their organizations page and under the public reaction.

Email: maskedman_@hotmail.com