Welcome to the "Anti Page". Unfortunately I have had to change to another service, because i have been called names and even had some nasty folks leave some interesting stuff for comments that i had never met. So i moved onto my oldest web page and will work from here. Its mainly going to be poems and the like.


sitting listening to the names
people have been talking after only 2 days
named have been said...and comments made
Twisted is the pain in the gut
knowing I have hurt another one.

No knives or scars will I make for this one
only heavy chest pains that I will quell
Open mindedness we shall try
Councilors listening, scribbling on their pads at will

Obliged I am to give her a day
but a life I feel I have taken
leaving emptiness like I tend to do
love is worth it in the end right?

I trudge on cleaning and cooking
talking to the guys...meeting new people
ignoring the pain as I droll on
Not wanting much...

just a long sleep with no one around
and no arm twitches to wake me
I'll see what I can do... and let others know
Talking to them and saying how I feel

busy weekend... went to see counselors...that’s going to be fun... as I try to explain how I hate people and don’t trust anyone...and how I lie a lot...and how everyone says I'm a good/great guy...yet I lie straight to their faces without flinching. IM gona have to talk to them about scars...relationships...the like. I hope it’s a girl and I hope that this one listens and doesn’t make me feel unimportant by missing a date or two. Well I went home this weekend...say my mom and talked to her. I helped her move my dad out of his office and I also went to a movie with her. In Good Company...is it wrong to feel damn good whenever a guy loses it and loses a girl all in the same movie. It was the best movie I had seen in a while and made me feel good. Anyway...so I went out to eat with hawk and have bought a lot of stuff for my GameCube and PS2. On the drive home though...it was odd... for no really reason I started getting my shakes again...whilst driving and the wheel would jerk with the twitch ever now and again. Well anyway...it was kinda scary to lose control of my car so easy...but I wasn’t worried about that as much as I was about what would happen to my friends and gamily with out me being in their lives. I duno. Also I have a guest... someone who read what i write and i Welcome you to e-mail me to chat or call MikeAD2005@msn.com or 903-468-3452

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