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The Land of Lori
Welcome to my world. Check out the latest happenings and try to keep up!
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the wedding



Goings On!

Our House!
I've said good-by to 4312 Santa Barbara and moved to a condo near Oak Lawn. I've got two Starbucks within walking distance and plently of places to stumble home drunk from nearby. Mornings are fun too when I walk over to Cafe Brazil for breakfast.

Below is a picture of my new front door. On the left is the existing condition. I'd like to paint the door red and the trim a sort of golden-tan. What do you think? I actually painted it a turquoise blue with a gray-blown trim (photo-simulation courtesy of LML productions)

I'm steadily making progress toward my Masters degree in Landscape Architecture. 52 hours down, 30 something to go. I hope to have an on-line portfolio soon.

My Website
Here on my web site, you'll find my photo album (a work in progress), information about my cake decorating, my wish list and more general information all about me. Look around and let me know what you think!

Follow my favorite links:
My - Keep up with ALL of your family!! - A very complete search engine.

since November 2000