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Church of the Holy Goat
Are you a sinner?
Maybe you are a blasphemer.
Does your soul need saving?

Well we at The Church of the Holy Goat can
help you in your divine quest for absolution.

Confess your sins now !!!

Enter Cardinal Fang's confessional box and
confess your deepest and darkest secrets.

All confessions are strictly confidential

Confess now

Check out some confessions of reformed sinners who
have been helped by The Church of the Holy Goat.

Past confessions

While you're here have a look at our new Sacrifice a Virgin page.

Sacrifice a Virgin

Also The Church of the Holy Goat is proud to present a page
dedicated to confirmed sinners and those beyond redemption.

This page contains some naughty bits

Unsaved Souls

Please take a look at our heavenly links page.

The Church of the Holy Goat's favourite sites

Best confession of the month will win a free bag of
boiled lollies and an autographed photo of the Pope.

Confession of the year will win the proud sinner the title of
Church of the Holy Goat's Reformed Sinner of the Year.

He/She will also receive a trip to the Vatican where He/She
will get to meet His Emminence and bless his sacred ring.

But wait there's more :

He/She will also receive the very valuable Pope soap on a rope.

Sign our holy guestbook View our holy guestbook

Please enjoy the tunes which accompany each page at our web site which hopefully you should be hearing now. If you can't hear them we are sorry because you are missing out on a tremendous musical treat.
All tunes were expertly played by Cardinal Fang on the Church of the Holy Goat's hammond organ.
