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My Beloved

My beloved Marissa. Throughout the years that we have been together, no matter what, no matter the distances or the emotions between us...we have been just that, together. In each other... there is a bond that only few share, only a very lucky few. When we first got together, it was just a "sure, why not" chance. In the backs of everyone else's mind, there was a sigh, a deep and sad sigh, that they didnt think we could amount to anything together. All knew that we were being foolish, and childish, following a pipedream that people could find love...and in such an unlikely place.

This was now five years ago. In this span of time we have completely changed the minds of all those who doubted us. We have proven to ourselves that love is something that can exist in all places. It can even be found and shared by two far away from each other. I think that our relationship, to many, is a suprise, something that will not last. But to me, I can say that I finally found that special someone. Our paths have now been crossing each other, twisting together, for one year. I learned that love is something that can be grasped. It takes work and dedication, but we have...for almost an entire year...kept each other in our fondest thoughts, and hearts. When we met for the first time, I was scared out of my mind. But in those nine days, I grew more attached to you, than any other person in this world. Our hearts beat as one, as our souls join together. I know that it isnt much...but this page was just for you to know...and if you ever need to see it written...just how much...

This page might not be much...but I have to to show you, just how much you mean to me, and that I love you. I will, always and eternally. You are always in my heart, and my thoughts. I love you Marissa. May our paths continue to cross, wrapping tighter and tighter together, so that nothing can ever pull us apart.

We adopted Adara as the first addition to our dragon family. We adopted her from Please stop by there and adopt your own dragon today.
