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Gods and Goddesses

The following is a list of Gods and Goddesses from several different cultures and religions:

a Gnostic deity of time. He is usually shown as having the arms and torso of a man, the head of a cock, and serpents for legs.
Hindu God of fire. He is reddish in color, with wild black hair and a long beard, black eyes, sharp golden teeth, and many swift tongues. Agni has three arms and seven legs. In his arms he carries flames, a trident, and a water pot. Flames sprout from his mouth, and from his body shine seven rays of light. Agni is sometimes mounted on a ram or a male goat.
Ahura Mazda
Persian God of light. He is most often displayed as a brilliant winged disk.
Also called Amon, Ammon, Amen, etc. Egyption God of creation. "King of the Gods." Amun is portrayed as ithyphallic God carrying a whip, either standing or enthroned. He is sometimes shown as a ram with a uraes (coiled cobra) atop his head.
Egyptian God of war and creative power of the sun. "Sky Bearer." Anhur is shown as a man with one or both arms raised, wearing four straight feathers on his head. He is sometimes shown as carrying a spear.
Egyption God of the dead. "Lord of the cave mouth," "Lord of the divine hall." Anubis is shown as a man with a jackal's or dog's head. He is sometimes shown as a jackal or a dog.
Greek/Roman Goddess of sexuality, love, and beauty. She is usually portrayed as a beautiful, young woman, either naked or draped. The Goddess is sometimes shown holding a dove, sometimes shown emerging from the sea. Aphrodite is also shown wearing a magic girdle called the Cestus that could control the action of love. Some of the Goddesses titles are as follows:
Greek God of healing, the pastures, and arts. As Apollo Musagetes ("God of the Muses"), he was asscociated with the lyre. As Apollo Agyieus ("God of Healing"), he was asscociated with the snake (python). Apollo is usually portrayed as the perfection of youthful manhood. He carries a bow and a quiver of arrows, a lyre, and wears either a golden miter or laurel leaves. Apollo drives a golden chariot drawn by swans.
Greek Goddess of the Moon, wild beasts, the hunt, and women. "Mistress of beasts," "Lady of all wild things," "A lion unto women." As Eileithyia, she is "Who Is Come To Aid Women In Childbirth." She is also "Giver of Fertility." Artemis is shown as a beautiful maiden huntress carrying a bow and a quiver of arrows. She is sometimes shown as winged. Artemis is often accompanied by lions, deer, and birds.
Also called Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, Ashtart, etc. Middle Eastern Goddess of love, war, and Venus (the morning star). "Lady of sorrows and battles," "Lady of Heaven." She is usually shown naked, wearing a necklace of lapis lazuli and carrying a bow or spear. The Goddess is usually shown with crescent moon horns. She is sometimes shown treading on a lion. Ishtar is also represented by an eight pointed star.
Athene or Minerva
Greek Goddess of Wisdom. As Athene Parthenos, she was called Athene the Virgin. As Athene Ergane, she was worshipped as patroness of crafts. Athene is represented as a beautiful, solemn maiden wearing the "aegis" breastplate, a crested helmet, and carrying a lance or shield. She is sometimes shown holding, or accompianied by, an owl.
Also called Bastet. Egyptian Solar Goddess of Pleasure. Bast is usually shown as a cat headed Goddess holding a sistrum (rattle) and wearing a semi-circular breastplate embellished with a lion's head.
Egyptian God of Luck. He is represented as a pot-bellied, bandy legged, hairy dwarf. Bes is usually shown wearing a leopard skin tied around his shoulders and with an ostrich feather in his hair.
Hindu God of Creation. Kamalasana: "He Who Sits Upon The Lotus." Narayana: "He Who Dwells In The Waters." Brahma is usually portrayed as having four heads and four arms, dressed in white, riding on a swan or a peacock or sitting on a lotus. He is often shown holding or reading the four vedas. He also has a garland of roses and a vessel containing water from the Ganges river.
The awakened one. The Buddha is portrayed in many different forms and aspects. The historical Buddha is described under the entry Gautama Buddha. The principal "spiritual" Buddhas are described as follows:
The Dhyani-Buddhas ("Meditation-Buddhas"): From the Dhyani-Buddhas emanate the Dhyani-Boddhisattvas:
The Horned God, the Celtic universal father. Usually shown as a man with stags horns, wearing a golden torc (neck ring), usually sitting cross legged. Cernunnos is also shown as having three heads. He is sometimes accompanied by a horned serpent and a stag.
Greek/Roman God of Time, Corn, and the Harvest. The son of heaven and earth. He is usually portrayed as a bearded old man in a robe, carrying a sickle. In his modern incarnation ("Father Time"), He also carries an hourglass. As Saturn, he was often shown with a sickle and an ear of corn, and was referred to as "The Sower."
Greek Goddess of the fruitfull earth. Demeter Thesmophorus, ("the bringer of riches.") Demeter is often portrayed as an old woman ("The Sorrowing Mother") weeping over her daughter (Persephone).
Diana or Cynthia
Roman fertility Goddess, associated with groves, wooded places, and the Moon. Diana Nemorensis, "Diana of the Wood." Diana is usually shown as a maiden huntress accomanied by a stag or hounds. As Cynthia, she is called "She Who Hunts The Clouds."
Greek God of grapes, wine, force of life, and instinctual frenzy. Dionysus Zagreus, "torn to pieces." Dionysus "Son of Zeus." Bromios, "Thunderer." Lyaios, "Deliverer of men from their cares." Dionysus is depicted as a young man dressed in animal skins and carrying a thyrsus staff (a rod entwined with ivy and vines with a pine cone at the tip) He is also shown sometimes as a bull or a goat, or a mask with an animal skin attached.
Hindu great mother Goddess. She is often shown as having fangs, a flaming crown, and four arms. She carries a trident, sword, a drum, and a bowl of blood. Durga is often portrayed mounted on a lion.
Ea or Enki
Middle eastern God of sweet waters (Apsu), wisdom, the arts, incantations, and skills. His name means "House of the Water." He is also called "Lord of the sacred eye." He is shown either as a goat with a fishes tail, or as a bearded king with waters gushing from a vase or from his shoulders (frequently fish are shown swimming in the streams of water).
Middle eastern Goddess of the underworld, perhaps representing the negative or dark aspect of Ishtar. She is portrayed as having a sharp horn extending from her forehead, the ears of a sheep, the body of a fish, and the scales of a serpent.
Greek god of the power of attraction, sexual and otherwise, inherent in all things, which some say brought the universe into being. Eros is often shown as a small, athletic-looking, winged youth of great beauty. He carries either a bow and quivers of arrows or a lyre. He is often shown in attendance upon Aphrodite.
Roman/Greek Goddess of fortune and fate. She is generally shown as a mature woman with a sphere, cornucopia, wheel, and a ship's rudder.
Norse Goddess of love and fertility, whose name means "misstress" or "lady". She is portrayed as a beautiful woman in a falcon cloak, wearing the legendary necklace Brisingamen (from brisa, "to shine"). She drives a chariot drawn by cats, or else rides the golden boar (Hildeswin). She is often shown weeping.
Greek earth-mother Goddess. "Mother of the seas and mountains." Gaia is often portrayed as a mature, robed woman, seated on a throne, holding a cornucopia, and other fruits of the earth.
Hindu God of riches, writing, and wisdom. He is also called Ganapati, "Lord of the host." Ganesha is depicted as a man with the head of an elephant, one tusk, and a huge potbelly. He has four arms and holds a thorn, a garland of roses, his broken-off second tusk, and a bowl with a rice cake. He rides a rat, and is often shown with a crown and a snake tied around his waist.
Gautama Buddha
The enlightened one. He is usually shown sitting in a lotus position. His most important symbols are footprints (representing his presence on this earth), the Bodhi Tree (representing enlightenmint), the wheel (representing the teachings of the way, dharma), and the stupa (representing entry into nirvana). The Buddhas images are characterised by the usnisa (a raised portion of the cranium), and the urna (a radiant point between the eyebrows, signifying enlightenment). Also, see the entry under Buddha.
Egyptian God of the earth, whose name means "earth." Geb is portrayed as a dark-skinned, ithyphallic God wearing the crown of lower egypt. His head is sometimes shown decorated with a goose. Geb is usually depicted as supine beneath Nut, the Sky Goddess.
Greek/Roman God of death, the underworld, and wealth. From the greek aides, meaning "the invisable one." He is also called Pylartes, "Closer of the gates," and Pluto, "the rich." He is shown as a mature, bearded man with dark features. He possesses a helmet that renders him invisible. Pluto is sometimes shown enthroned with his wife and queen, Persephone.
Egyptian/Greek solar God. Called Heru-Par-Khret in Egyptian, meaning "Horus the Child." He is usually shown as a child of great beauty, sitting on a lotus or at the breast of the Goddess Isis. He is often shown holding a finger to his lips.
Egyptian Goddess of beauty, love, and pleasure, whose name means "house of Horus." She is also called "Queen of the Date Palm" and "Queen of the Sycamore." Hathor is portrayed either as a cow wearing the solar disk or as a woman with cow's horns (sometimes a cows head), a solar disk and two feathers above her head. She is often shown holding a sistern (rattle).
Greek Goddess of magic, sorcery, and the Moon (associated with the Moon before and after it sets). Also called Antaia, "She Who Encounters You." Hecate is portrayed as having snakes in her hair. She carries a torch and is accompanied by a pack of dogs. A Goddess of Crossroads, she was called Enodia or Trioditos, and was depicted as three headed or as having three bodies: maiden, matron, and ancient crone.
Norse watchmen of the Gods. "The White God." Heimdal is shown as a bearded man standing on the Bifrost bridge of the world tree, holding a Gjalarhorn, waiting to call the Gods to the final battle (Ragnarok). Some view Heimdal as the personification of the axis mundi.
Greek Sun God. Helios is portrayed as a golden haired young man, his head surrounded by a halo of rays, driving a golden chariot drawn by four white, winged horses.
Greek God of smiths and fire, divine artificer and magician. Hephaestus is described as a large man, smeared with ,soot, with wild, black hair and beard. He is lame from birth, but has strong shoulders and large, skillful hands. He wears a small conical hat and a smith's apron, and wields a hammer and tongs. Hephaetstus is often shown with a forge.
Greek Goddess of women, wife of Zeus, and queen of the Gods, whose name means "lady." As Teleia, she is "She who brings fulfillment." Hera is shown as a beautiful, mature woman, often described by Homer as "ox-eyed." She wears a diadem, carries a scepter, and is sometimes shown with a cow or a peacock.
Greek/Roman God of communication and thought, travel, and commerce. He is also soul- conductor, and messenger of the Gods. Hermes is also called Logios ("wordy"), Diactoros ("messenger"), Agonios ("Judge of Contests"), and Psychopompos ("soul-conductor"). He is usually shown as a beautiful young man with dark features, and an athletic and graceful body. Hermes wears winged sandals, a winged hat or helm, and carries a golden herald's staff (the kerykeion or caduceus) usually described as a golden staff with two intertwined snakes and a winged tip. As Mercury, he is also shown with a purse. As Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Greatest Hermes"), he is the inventor of magic and alchemy, and is sometimes shown with the "Emerald Tablet" of hermeticism.
Egyptian solar God and avenger of evil. "He who is above," "He who is afar." Horus is often shown as a falcon having the sun and the moon as his eyes, or as a falcon headed man. He is also portrayed as a human child, often shown standing upon a crocodile (symbolizing the victory over Set, the God of evil).
Middle eastern Goddess of love and war. Also associated with Venus and the Moon. Called Ninanna, "Queen of Heaven," and Ninsianna, "Goddess of Venus." She is usually shown as a naked woman, sometimes with bright rays streaming from her back, sometimes with the horned moon above her head. Some consider Inanna to be equivelent to Ishtar.
Hindu God of war, whose name means "strong" or "mighty." Indra is usually depicted as a man, gold or red in color, mounted on horseback (or driving a chariot drawn by horses) and carrying the thunderbolt. He is also shown as white, dressed in red, and mounted on the white elephant Airavata.
Egyptian mother Goddess, associated with the Moon, magic, fertility, resurrection, and Sirius. As Urthekau, she is "She Who Is Rich In Spells." Isis is the personification of the Egyptian throne and is often shown with the symbol for the throne above her head. She is shown as a beautiful woman, usually seated, often weeping. She is sometimes shown holding a sistrum (rattle) or shown holding or nursing the infant Horus (Harpokrates).
Roman God of portals and beginnings. Custodian of the Universe. The Opener and Fastener of all things. He is portrayed as a bearded man with two faces, one looking forward and the other looking back. Janus is said to see the future and the past, the inside and the outside. He carries a janitor's staff and a ring of keys.
Roman Goddess of women and the Moon, wife of Jupiter, and queen of the Gods. As Juno Regina, she is "Protectress of the state." As Juno Lucina, she is the Goddess of childbirth. As Juno Moneta, she is "She who warns." As Juno Sespita, she is "Protectress of women in confinement." Juno is described as a very beautiful, mature woman with dark hair, wearing a crown, and a robe or a gown. She is sometimes accompanied by a peacock or geese.
Roman sky-father and king of the Gods. Optimus Maximus, "Greatest and Best." Diu Pater, "father of light." Jupiter Lucitus, "the stayer of defeat." Jupiter Stator, "the giver of victory." Jupiter Feretrius, the force of union in the community. Jupiter Fulgar, "looser of lightening." Jupiter Tonans, "creator of thunder." He is shown as a mature, kingly man, usually bearded. Jupiter sometimes wears a crown and carries a scepter. He is sometimes shown carrying a thunderbolt. Jupiter is also portrayed as an eagle. He is sometimes shown with small horns, indicating wisdom and life force.
Hindu Goddess of earth and nature. Also called Bhowani, an aspect of Durga (The Great Mother), "She who is black," "The black mother." Kali is usually depicted as having a skeletal body smeared with blood and ashes, red eyes, and wild, black hair. Her tongue is extended. She is shown wearing a necklace of human skulls and a girdle of human hands. Kali is often shown standing upon or placing her left foot upon her husband Shiva.
Egyptian God of the Moon. Also called Khonsu or Khensu. He is represented as a royal child, wearing a side-plait and carrying the crook and flail of Egyptian royalty (he was thought to be the astral double or companion of the pharoah). Khonsu is also shown as a falcon-headed youth crowned with the combined crescent and lunar disk.
Hindu God of love; an aspect or avatar of Vishnu. He is always depicted as having dark skin, often blue (his name indicates "dark" or "black"). Krishna is usually shown as a beautiful young boy, often playing the flute.
Hindu God of riches. Kubera is usually shown as a dwarfish man with a potbelly and three legs. Kubera has eight teeth and only one eye. He carries a sack, a drinking bowl, a cudgel, and a purse.
Kybele of Cybele
The Phrygian great mother. She is usually shown as a beautiful woman wearing a castellated crown, and carrying a mirror and a pomegranate. She is often shown in a chariot drawn by lions and panthers.
Hindu Goddess of good fortune and beauty. Lakshmi is depicted as a golden hued woman, always beautifully dressed, standing or sitting on a lotus flower.
Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice, and the world order. Maat is shown as a mature woman wearing an ostrich feather on her head. She is sometimes shown holding scales.
Hindu God of death and cosmic time. "The great black one." He is considered a "wrathful deity" whose purpose is to destroy the enemies of Buddhist Dharma. Mahakala is portrayed as having three eyes. He wears a tigers skin and carries a trident, a bowl made from a skull, and a sacred noose or cord made from eight snakes.
The future Buddha. "The kind one." Maitreya is usually shown holding a white blossom and wearing a small stupa on his headress.
Bodhisattva and Buddhist patron of wisdom. "Charming Prince." He is described as a man the color of saffron, holding the sword of wisdom, the book of the Prajna-paramita, and a blue utpala blossom.
Middle eastern king of the Gods. From Amar-Utuk, "Calf of the Sun God." Marduk is sometimes represented as a reptillian dragon with a pickax and a sickle. He is also shown as a kingly figure with a scimitar or a thunderbolt. AsBel-Marduk, he is shown with a horned headress. He possesses the clay tablets of fate.
The Roman God of agriculture and war. Protector of the Work of the Fields. As Mars Utor, he is "The Avenger." Mars is usually shown as a large man in armor, with a shield, a rod or scepter, and a lance. He is sometimes accompanied by a wolf or a woodpecker.
Middle eastern solar/fertility God. He is usually depicted as a golden haired young man wearing a white tunic, wide trousers, and a Phrygian cap (the pileus) or golden crown. He is often shown driving a sword into a bull.
Egyptian earth and fertility Goddess. She is depicted as a woman with the hieroglyph for "basket" upon her head.
Nut or Nuit
Egyptian Goddess of sky and peace. Nut is usually shown as a slim-limbed, naked girl, containing stars within her body, arched over the earth god Geb and supported on the tips of her fingers and toes.
Norse/Germanic God of warriors and rune magic. Guide of the dead and king of the Gods. Odin Walvater, "Father of the Dead." Crimnir, "The Masked One." Odin is said to appear either as a wanderer in a blue mantle and floppy hat, or as a warrior with a spear. He is desribed as a powerful, bearded man with one eye missing. He is accompanied by two ravens; Hugen (thought) and Munin (memory). Odin rides upon the eight legged horse Sleipnir (particularly in connection in his role as psychopompos).
Celtic God of eloquence, inspiration, and language. The inventor of the ogham druidic alphabet. Crianainech, "Sun Face." Ogma is depicted as an old man dressed in a lionskin, with fine gold chains running from his tongue to those around him.
Egyptian God of fertility and resurrection. "The Seat of the Eye." Osiris is shown as a mummy with a man's head, crowned with the tall white cap of upper Egypt. His crossed arms hold the flail and hook of Egyptian royalty. His skin is shown with a light greenish tinge.
Greek God of herdsmen, wild places and things, and unreasoning terror (panic). Pan is described as having the horns, haunches, legs, and hooves of a goat. He is, i other respects, a bearded man, though he is sometimes shown with goat like features. Pan often carries the syrinx (panpipes).
Greek Goddess of harvest and fertility, particularly the corn. Sometimes called Kore, "Girl," representing the corn still growing. Persephone is depicted as a maiden or a mature woman, often shown with a crown (enthroned with Hades). She sometimes is shown carrying an ear of corn or a pomegranate.
Greek/Roman God of fresh water, oceans, mariners, rain, rivers, earth fertility, earth tremors, and horses. As Poseidon Hippios, he is "Lord of the Horses." Also called "Earth Shaker" and "Holder of the Earth." Poseidon is usually shown as a bearded, older man with a trident. He drives a chariot that are drawn by creatures that are half horse and half sea serpent. He is often attended by dolphins and nerieds (sea nymphs).
Egyptian God of creation and cosmic order. "The Primeval One." Lord of world order. Chief of Duat (the underworld). Ptah is either shown as a shaven-headed, mummified amn, or as a dwarf with misshapen legs.
Egyptian Sun God. The guide of worlds. As Ra or Ra-Harachte, he is described as a falcon- headed man wearing the uraeus, the coiled cobra, and the solar disk. Ra carries an ankh and an ibis-staff, and is often shown travelling the sky in his boat Manjet. Each day, Ra ages from a boy into an old man. At night, he assumes a ram's head and travels in the boat Mesektet through the underworld. As Khephra, he is depicted as a beetle pushing the orb of the sun.
Hindu Goddess of language, eloquence, and wisdom. Identified with Vac. Also called Vagdevi. As Vajrasarasvati, she is depicted as having three faces and six arms and is shown riding a swan or sitting on a lotus.
Greek Moon Goddess and tutelary deity of magicians and sorcerers. She is portrayed as a pale, beautiful woman in a chariot drawn either by two white horses or a mule.
Set or Seth
Egyptian God of evil. Set is described as having white skin and red hair, and is represented either as a man with the head of an ass, or an ugly piglike creature with an erect tail.
Middle Eastern Sun God. Judge of the heavens and the earth. He is represented as a king seated on a throne. Shamash is also sometimes portrayed as a brilliant solar disk with wings.
Middle Eastern Moon God. "Shining boat of heaven." Sin is represented by the sickle moon as a boat, or as a bull whose horns are formed by the sickle moon. Sin is also shown as an old man with a long flowing white beard, wearing the full moon as a crown.
Siva or Shiva
Hindu God of change, transformation, and destruction. "The friendly one," "The gracious one," Ugra, "The violent one." As Rudra, he is "Lord of beasts." As Bhutapati, he is "Father of demons." In his benign aspect, he is Mahayogin, "The great yogi," and Nataraja, "King of the dance." Siva is portrayed as a man with a third eye, wearing a snake collar and carrying a trident and an axe. His hair is tied in the knot of the ascetic and adorned with a crescent moon and a trident. In his violent aspects, he is shown naked or clad in a tiger skin, smeared with ashes, and wearing a necklace of skulls.
Hindu Sun God. Surya is described as dark red in color, with golden hair and golden arms. He holds a lotus, and sometimes a discus (chakra). He has three eyes and four arms. Surya drives a chariot drawn by seven horses, but which has only one wheel.
Norse God of thunderstorms and life force. Also called Donar, "High Thunderer." Thor is portrayed as a huge, red-bearded man, wearing iron gloves and girdle. He carries the throwing hammer Mjolnir and drives a chariot driven by two goats.
Egyptian God of the Moon, calender, chronology, writing, magic, and knowledge. Also called Thot, Tehuti, and Djehuti. Referred to as "Thrice Greatest." Thoth is sometimes shown as an ibis or a dog headed ape wearing the combined lunar disc and crescent above his head. He is also shown as a man with the head of an ibis, holding a writing stylus and an ankh.
Tiwaz or Tyr
Norse/Germanic God of battle, justice, law, and solemn oaths. Originally a sky God. He is shown as a warrior missing one hand.
Hindu God of cosmic law and order. He is portrayed as a man, white in color, clad in gold armor, and mounted on a sea monster (the Makara).
Hindu God of preservation. Ananta, "Infinite." Mukunda, "Liberator." Purusottama, "The Highest God." Vishnu is usually depicted as a man with dark blue skin, four arms, and dressed in yellow. He holds a club, mussel, shell, discus (chakra), and lotus. Vishnu is often shown asleep or at rest with Lakshmi upon the seven-headed serpent Ananta.
Hindu God of the dead, pathfinder, judge, and ruler of souls. Yama is clothed in red and possesses a noose. He sometimes bears a wheel on his chest. He is often shown riding on a black buffalo.
Greek sky father and king of the Gods. Lord of all high things. Also called Nephelgeretes, "cloud gatherer." He was Zeus Cthonos as god of earth and fertility. He was Zeus Soter as father and savior of humanity. He was Zeus Eleutherios as guardian of liberty. As Xenios, he was the protector of the rules of hospitality. As Herkios, he was protector of the house. As Kleisos, he was guardian of property. As Gamelios, he was God of marriage. Zeus is usually portrayed as a powerful, regal man of regal bearing, giving the impression of wisdom and virility. He is sometimes shown holding a thunderbolt; sometimes he is carrying the scepter of authority.
Persian God of time and infinate space. The lord of the four elements. He is described as having four faces; procreation, birth, aging, and return to the infinite.

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