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"Our base is the Divine Life of the universe. Our means of keeping in touch with it
cannot be through any man-made dogma, but through nature, which man did not
make. Men's hands wrote all the holy books and sacred scriptures; only the book of
nature was written by divinity."
-Doreen Valiente-

Merry meet, I am Fawe, the Keeper of this Realm. These pages were intended to be looked at with an open mind. I created this place for all people who seek knowledge, so sit back, and stay awhile. Feel free to e-mail me and to sign my Dreambook-everyone is welcome here!!! Blessed be.

This is Diana.
She is the Guardian
of my realm...

and these are my Totem Spirits, who help her in proctecting my Realm as well as myself.

What is Wicca?
The Wiccan Rede
Steps to becoming a Witch
Visit my Enchanted Creatures, NOW!!!
Salem Witchcraft Trials
Gods and Goddesses
Gems, Stones, and Crystals
Candle Magick
Spell Making
Links and Credits

Coming Soon

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