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Caring for the Blue Ram

Depending on whether you are wanting an exclusive Ram tank or you want them to be a part of the community tank, special precautions are needed to care for them. First when looking to buy some like always look closley at them and check for things that may suggest a rough life. Such as very tattered fins, glazed over eyes, and disproportionate sized eyes(which suggests that it may not have been given the opprotunity to grow to it's current potential). Also when looking, pick ones that swim to the top in search of food when you put your hand above the tank. Before you have selected you specimens(try to get at the very least two) make sure your pH in the tank is no more than 6.5. It is essential you have obtained this before you purchase them. Also have the temperature in between 76-80 degrees F. The tank needs to be heavily planted whether you choose live or plastic is up to you. When you purchase them you can purchase as few as one, but I would get at least two because they will be lonely unless they have a friend! Many a Ram has died soon after the owner puts them in the tank so be sure to acclimate, which is floating the bag in the water, it for at least 15 minutes. After it has set in the tank another precaution would be to gradually add water from your tank to the bag and then net the fishes out. After the fish get over being timid they will show off their beauty day in and day out. Once the tank is set up be sure to do 20% water changes once a week so you don't lose the progress you already have. Doing these things and feeding them daily should help you grasp the hobby of keeping Rams.