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The Men of Cephiro

The Good Guys

Guru Clef
(Master Clef, High Priest Clef, Doshte Curef, Curefu, Cleff, Cleft)

Guru GlefHey, in that pic, Clef looks like Diamondo from SM! Sorry. Anyway, Guru Clef is the best mage and master in all of Cephiro. He was the first to meet the fledgling Magic Knights and the one who gave them thier magic, as well as their armor. Actually, he only had time to teach Hikaru magic before Alcyone attacked. Knowing they weren't ready to fight yet, he sent the girls off on a gripphon to find Presea and Mokona in the Forest of Silence. Shortly after, he was turned to stone (in the manga, it was Alcyone who did it but in the anime it was Zagato) and was only able to communicate and teach the other two knights magic through Mokona. He was also the one who gave Mokona to Presea for safe keeping until the knights arrived. He looks to be about 10 years old in both the manga and tv series, when actually he is 745 years old. Pretty good looking for an old guy, huh? It's the formaldahyde! ^_^ In the OAV series, he appears about in his late teens-early twenties. And really cute too! Look, here's a picture of the OAV Clef:
OAV Clef--kawaii, ne?
Oh well, what can you do? Besides, he's still no Ferio! ^_^

(Ferrio, Phelio, Pherio)

FerioThe Magic Knights met Ferio in the Forrest of Silence, on their way to the Legendary Fountain of Eterna ( or Umi's version, the "Weirdo Fountain of Eterna" ^_^). He offered his help to them in fighting off monsters, on the basis that he could get out of the Forest himself. Fuu was probably the most sceptical of all the girls, and didn't trust him one iota in the beginning. Eventually, he kinda rubbed off on her and vice versa, and it was pretty soon apparent that they kinda had crushes on each other. Upon reaching the end of the forest, they finally revealed the truth to him(that they were magic knights in training) and he decided to go his own way. But before he left, he gave Fuu a parting gift. In the anime, he gave her an Ove, which is kind of like a magical walkie-talkie (when Umi asked why he gave a present to Fuu and not her, he replied " 'Cuz you don't love me!") In the manga, he gave her one of his earings, kissing her hand and taking that as his payment. So sweet! Anyways, as it turns out, Ferio is the younger brother of Princess Emeradue, but had forgotten it because when she had to become the Pillar and leave him behind, he asked her to remove all memory of her so that he could go on living a normal life. Eventually, as her power began to weaken, her lock on the memories left and he eventually remembered everything. Man, what a combo; good looks, nice manners... he's a regular prince--literally!

Here's a pic of Ferio in his prince outfit with Fuu:
Prince Ferio and Fuu

Bad Guys

Lord Zagato
(High Priest Zagato, Zagato-sama)

ZagatoZagato is the "bad guy" of the series. He was the one who nabbed Princess Emeraude away and made up the story that he was going to conquer Cephiro.
Nabbed ya!
Actually, I don't think he was that bad of a guy. He just fell in love with the wrong girl at the wrong time, and vice-versa. Zagato can be pretty cold-hearted at times, and has a kind of eerie way about him. When people ask me, "How can you not hate Zagato? He was always trying to kill the Magic Knights!" I always point out that he was only trying to keep them from killing his true love, Princess Emeraude. He was blinded by love! Love made him do it! Oh, how tragic!!! Too bad the Knights didn't know this before they killed Zagato. -_- Well, at least he and Emeraude could finally be together in the end. A happy ending to a sad story. By the way, Zagato has a younger brother, Lantis (who appears in the second series and who ends up falling in love with Hikaru. @_@ Man, that family sure knows how to pick 'em!)

To the Men of Cephiro 2 page.