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"Sweet Caroline" Neil Diamond

      This is my page. Mine and only mine. This is probably the only thing in the whole world that I have that the kids can't ruin! I am glad you have come in here to learn more about the author of this page.

      I was born in the spring of 1975. I was raised in Dallas County my whole life, not to say we didn't move from suburb to suburb. I don't remember much of my childhood and much of it would really bore you. But I do remember my "Highlights." I remember the day we moved to Mesquite, Texas (a suburb of Dallas) I would ride my bike around the neighborhood. Once I rode up to the elementary school that I would be attending. I saw lots of little girls and boys practicing football and drill team. I was in awe. I knew the minute I saw the dancers I would want to be in it. So I asked my mom and she said "YES!" I was so excited! The first year, I tried out for cheerleader AND captain and I didn't make either. I really didn't care because I didn't know how important thei jobs were. But the next year, I told my mom, "I am going to make cheerleader this year!" She didn't believe me because she thought the whole thing was rigged. Well I MADE IT! It was alot of fun! But there was a bigger step, I wanted to be a captain the next year, My FINAL year to be in the pee-wee team. She REALLY didn't think I would make captain because it was always the same old girls that got picked. Well, I sparkled and I shined and they would have been crazy to not pick me to be a captain that year, but not only did I make captain, I made HEAD CAPTAIN of the whole team! I was the leader and there were 4 co-captains! It was probably my biggest acheivement growing up! Not only because I wanted it, but also because people thought I couldn't do it! Well, sorry to bore you with all that crap, but you came here to learn about me, and that is me! SO BOO-HOO! :-)