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Wow, busy place here, just lookat these numbers go!

WELCOME to Browneyez Place

Howdy! Thanks for stopping in. Hope you enjoy your visit. The purpose of my homepage is hopefully making new friends along the way. Sharing life and the roads we travel. Showing my friends what their friendship means to me. Along the way I have made many friends off IRC and ICQ. To them, I say Thank you for being my friend, I don't have to name you, YOU know who you are! *smiles* Drop by or email me anytime. (A lil info bout me :) I'm just a lil ole Southern gal who enjoys life and enjoys playing with my cat, Orphan. This is a picture of him with my cat Midnight who is now in Kitty Heaven. He loves me unconditionally. if only Love was that way in relationships, then wouldn't life be grand! Then everyone would have that fairytale lovestory! I believe we all have a soulmate but finding that soulmate is the trick in life! (updated 12/00)

For ICQ FREE, see Mirabilis Link below.
My ICQ # is 215214.

Mirabilis ICQ

No one can begin to know or understand this loss, except one who has been there! And sometimes it helps to have someone to talk to about it, I know it helps me. Thanks!(Click her pix to enter her page!)Children are Angels from above, just like some friends!

My Angel Brenda
Spirit Page Photo Album
Family Photo's Awards Page

email sign

My Page is about Friendship & Having Fun
    Making Friends, And enjoys time with my friends
    Sharing Poetry and good Jokes
    Being there for my friends in time of need or anytime
    Humor, as I believe that Laughter is the Best medicine

My Favorite Links

RedStormms Domain
Former Cop now Hypnotherpist
My other HomePage
Go here for CD Now
Thoughts on Friendship
Interested in Genealogy? Here's Claytons Page
BlueMountain Cards
Thanks to Andy for kewl Graphics
Check out some of my Items for sale, under Seller Search I am Browneyez919

Do unto others as you would have them do unto to you. If someone is mean, kill em with kindness, try to make a difference in this sometimes cruel world!

YOUR THEFRIEND TO STOP BY since created in September 1998!

A lil about me & things that interest me!
*Music, all kinds, excluding opera. I like all kinds of music depending ohn my mood. Except opera!
*I love dancing, music makes me smile! Give me a good beat and I am ready to dance.
*And about sharing poetry. Something I enjoy reading and writing. In fact I have one of my recent poems being published soon. I'll keep ya posted on that.
*Also enjoy skating, bowling, fishing, computers of course and sooo much more. Too much to list it all.
*If you want to know more about me or anything here, email me or ICQ me! I enjoy making new friends. I have learned online, its a small world! *smile*
*I have now taken on a new job as medical secretary. I miss being a legal secretary but its a nice change.

Well hope that helps ya get to know me a bit!

Thanks to this site by Sgt. Chet, a very nice Policeman, I have a kewl picture that represents my old job as Legal Secretary!(I am now in the medical field.)Check his site out!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

I am proud to be a member of this outstanding group of people! I have made many good friends here! Check LOTH out. Some of the best hearts online can be found here! JOIN is no longer active, but when it was, I was a Proud member.

My views and beliefs of FRIENDSHIP and the INTERNET.
Everyday you pass people and judge them by what you SEE rather than by WHO they really are on the inside. You look at someone and say to yourself, they are, short, tall, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, rich, poor, handicapped or whatever. You cheat yourself and them out of what could be a great friendship. Why, because you didn't give them a chance to see who they are. BUT, online you judge them by WHO they are NOT by appearance, because you can't SEE them. I know there are people out there on the internet that are not what they appear to be, maybe because of HOW people judge them in real life, the WHY I don't know. But its those people that are truly missing out on some great friendships. My point you ask. Well, my point is, give everyone a chance. Get to know them and like them for who they truly are, NOT for what they look like or what they have (materially speaking). *Smiles*

Take care, Bye for now! PLEASE be sure to sign my guestbook before ya go! Tell me what you think of my site. Come again! Never know what ya might see NEXT time.LOL

Thanks to the many people who gave me pictures, backgrounds and idea's for my website!

This Webpage was Created, Designed & Maintained by Browneyez
*All Rights Reserved *© 1998, 1999, 2000
*NO part of this website or any material within this website may be used without the express written consent of the author.*