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I am sorry all you Back Street fans , but it's true I hate this band with a passion. I wouldn't go so far as to put it online, but one can only take so much. Imagine waking up to them, seeing them on the cover of every magazine you read, and every time I flip on the T.V. it seems like they're are the greatest thing since sliced bread!!! NEWS FLASH EVERY BODY: The are a damn flash in the hand band, worse than Hanson, every body meet The Spice Boys. Are you all blind??? How can you waste cash on their merchandise? They suck people!!! My apologies to Ronnie , but it is the way I feel . I don't know how much more of them I can really take. Doesn't any one hate them as much as I do? Their annoying songs their baby faces, I'd like to take their hearts and play a game of soccer with it. If you want it good get yourself a band with a back bone. Do you see what I'm saying. I am sick to death of hearing them in malls and hearing their fans sings their damn songs hours on end!

BSB FAN UPDATE As I am sure all my fellow Back Street Brat haters have noticed we are not exactly welcome on the web. Or any where else. These fans flood our anti BSB guest books with threats even though they have 100's of sites dedicated to their cause, instead they chose to flood our guest books with threats of a war of some sort.As if it were worth fighting for!!! Why do you people insist on arguing with us??? If we want to say how much we hate a band , then so be it! We aren't forcing you to read it, we aren't even letting you!!! We hate them because we are sick of them!!! When was the last time you saw Megadeth on MTV for five damn hours? Hmmmm? I'm waiting!!! They are on every magazine!!! When did it become cool to act this way? I remember that if a guy looked that way and acted that way, he would be the object of ridicule and might even get a swirly if he was really unlucky. They swear loyalty forever to this band. Ha!!! I give this solace to my fellow BSB haters give it about a year or two and no one will remember who the hell they are.

UPDATE 2 : Well , well. I am being told I shouldn't make a web site about some thing I don't like. Why not? I am allowed, instead of me hiding not liking these girly man bands I can just as easily tell you all to not read it! God why take the time to insult what you SURE AS HELL DON'T know about me, good God people get a life and leave mine out of it. BSB still sucks and has another album out. Sorry haters looks like we'll have to hold out longer. Until these yuppies disappear. Just don't hold your breath instead fill your time annoying all these violent fans. Like I do. Just be tasteful, don't put me to shame! They have just as much as a right to like this crappie band as we do to be sick of them. SO lets be above them and not insult their personalities. A quick review . Insults personalities? NO! Insult bad taste in bands? Always! By the way... stop telling me I am jealous of the damn B.S.B.! I am a girl! The last thing I want is a bunch of stupid teeny-bopper girls screaming at me, invading my privacy and bugging me for an autograph. I would rather write than sing and I have more of a life than most of you!

UPDATE 3: Ladies and Gents, I am sorry I have with held my beacon of truth for so long, but alas I have been busy, because unlike most teeny boppers I HAVE A LIFE. Any how, I will not use that to cloud my passion of why I hate B.S.B. It's not the fans, its the bands. Its the hordes of bands that sound exactly like them. I am asking for is a little bit of diversity. Is that so wrong? Alas, Fans still flock to this site, hoping to reveal some hidden message of sorts to me. Nah. It ain't gonna happen. I hate this band and you fans hate me. Just don't e-mail me about hating me and telling me I am a fat stupid bitch. I am not fat. My I.Q. could probably smoke yours and as far as me being a bitch? Well two out of three ain't bad. You would never catch my band playing B.S.B. covers, I would set my hair on fire first.

Backstreets back alright. They've been coming to our towns, invading our radio stations and still are on every magazine cover in the drug store. What is giving them the strength to go on? What is giving US the strength? My stomache feels week in all of this. Why don't these magazines put a new face on the cover. Where is the next heart throb? Why not Eminem? He's been rated the Second Sexiest Man in Music. So my lady patrons who are sick of boy groups , go to and (WARNING: THE PREVIOUS SITE IS A GIRL MAGAZINE AND VERY VERY MUCH LIKE THE ONE'S I AM PROTESTING SO LOUDLY ABOUT) to show your support. Don't like eminem? pick a newer face still. Here's the catch for Backstreetlovers. If they STOP being on every magazine cover in the news stand then when you are grown up those magazines of the band who's name you've fogotten might be worth something. If not, you can use them as kindling as you adore the next group of heart throbs. I have the truth , don't make me use it!

The Drama Takes in a new generation...
Okay I know I'm horrible for not updating this page in a total of forever but you know I would never compleatly abandon you while the good fight continues. BUT enough of the tearful reunion, there is new cannon fodder for me and I must spread the word. It seems as if the B.S.B. needs a newer face in the mess, so little brother Aaron is making his debut with HIS annoying voice and the gimmick of (surprize surprize) Nick Carter of the B.S.B. little brother! Oh thrill, so now they have latched on to another age group... Why oh why does my younger family like this crap? I even tried taking my 14 year old cousin to the Warped Tour in July, but she didn't want to go she was listening to some new prefab group with my other little cousin... Don't blame them, it's not their fault The music has taken away their minds... Have any of you seen Josie and the Pussycats? Granted the movie might not be Oscar material, but the opening segment could very well prove our point about all of this brainwashing stuff. Well I'm off... I need to get in shape, I leave for basic training in a few weeks and I want to be in good shape to whoop Bin Ladin's ass... Why did the B.S.B. have to help with that crappy memorial song? Please oh please let a good rock ballad surface to even out the cosmic balance. I don't want "What's Goin' On" to be MY song as I go out to fight. Thanks for tuning in all these years.

Lots of love,


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