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The BGC Roster

The BGC is made up of a plethora of different people. Black, white, Hispanic, Christian, Jewish, Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist, Church of Christ, high school, college, male, female, married, single, employed, and unemployed; the BGC is an exemplary example of the diversity that makes up our fine country. God bless the USA, and God bless the BGC.
The following is a roster of the swelling ranks that make up the BGC line up. These are in no particular order.

James Luster**
Wade Odom*
Mike Kilpatrick**
Jason Hickerson
Brian "Scootie" McBride
Tray "3D" Richards*()
Shasta Davis
James "Thug" Kluza**
Kent "Busta" Luster*
Nick "Spork" Kloster**
James "Wubby" Gaskins*
Priscilla "Cha Chi" Jimenez
Jacob "Jake is Great, Phariss Wheel" Phariss*
Eric "E" Ochoa
Dee "I hate everything" Hoover
Josh Balcomb
Jason "My Brother Sucks" Wilkinson
Justin "The Stare" Whiteley*
Taylor "The Jew" Sansom**()
Geoff Hoover
Brian "Kid Flippy" Loomis**()
Tommy "Daddy" Bryant
Brian Odom
Blake "Dizzy" Dozier*()
Amber "Dimples" Taylor
Steven "Scuba Steve" Parks
Callie Hutcheson
Donnie Micheal Mayes Junior
Jennifer Kluza
Macy "Vaquero" Gibson
Brent "Moses" Hastings
Randy "My EX-roomates Suck" Trowell
Zach "Wombat" Bailey
Matt "Naked Sasquach" Kennedy
Dan "Dandee" Southall
Cody "Stud" Lester
Jansen "Jay-Z" Yarbrough

If an * follows a name then it means this person is a Tip Pack.
If two ** follows a name them it means this person is a Forefather or/and a Stepfather.
A () stands for the members of BLAM.
If nothing follows a name it means that that person has no special position, other than that of a BGC member.
If your name isn't on the list, I'm sorry, but you really suck.
