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The following webpage was created with humor in mind, don't be offended...please.

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth."
-John F. Kennedy

The tool of the trade (click for a larger image)

Click here to buy duct tape!

Sign the guestbook, comrade

How to be a bandit

Know your surroundings

Go to the Duct Tape Bandit's Most Wanted List

The Evil Regime

Bandit's Manifesto

Save Lubbock from Jerk Clemmons

Guerrilla Movements

Join the revolution!

If you do not already know, Memorial High School is home to the oppressive white man, Dr. Stinkle (pictured above) and his evil government. For years to come, our people will be oppressed by this icon of the old ideals. We will never be free till we shake away the chains of Stinkle's communist regime. Luckily, for our sake, we finally have a hero who has the courage to stick it to the man. That crusader of truth, justice, and the Anarchist way is the anonymous hero known only as "The Duct Tape Bandit." This revolutionary stood up one day and said "No more." He began a campaign to spread the ideals of his party through passive methods developed by the NAACP. Known as "Tape Resistance," messages began to pop up all over the 2nd cafeteria at the senior campus. Messages like "I let the dogs out" and "Joe was here" meant nothing to the regime, but spoke volumes about the revolution. Sadly, our hero's efforts were stopped Friday, October 20 when all the tape messages were removed from the chairs and trashcans. This is where you can contribute to the revolution. Stick it to the man! Bring duct tape and start taping your own messages to anything and everything. Finish what the duct tape bandit started, don't just sit idly by as the walls build up around you. Help make those walls crumble by supporting the guerrillas. If you are afraid you might get caught, you can still help by donating supplies such as duct tape, scissors, and permanent markers to the movement. The man has been oppressing us for so long, it's time to fight back! Fight the power!

Attack the fortress of oppression!

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Alek Hidell

If you have helped the Duct Tape Bandit, post a message on the message board telling of your accomplishments. Sign the guestbook too.