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My Mind's Eye
« June 2004 »
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Tuesday, 8 June 2004
So bored I'm about to die...
I sit here realizing that I intended to go to sleep a few hours ago. Since I have been off work, I have become quite the insomniac. It's nothing for me to stay up until 4 in the morning these days. I am usually one of these people that are in bed by 11 and get a full 8 hours sleep. Now I get around 5. I have to get back into the swing of things before I go back to work.

Which brings me to another topic. This week marks the 6th week I have been out. I find out today that I am going to be out another extra week due to an infection. The nurse missed 3 stitches and now they got infected. When the doctor was DIGGING them out today, I wanted to cry. Now, I am not a cry-baby when it comes to pain, but this shit HURT LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER!!! It felt like he used the scissors to cut my boob right open and it sucked. So, now I am on antibiotics for the next 5 days and that meant that I had to spend more money that I don't have. Great. I am glad that I can't go back to work, because I am getting paid 100%, and I have offcially used up ALL of my vacation time until April of next year. So I'm really in no big hurry. I'm just missing out on my bonus (which I depend on greatly). But I'm really enjoying the time off. I needed it.

I have been with my company for almost 7 years. That's a damn good track record, especially for me considering that I couldn't/wouldn't hold a job longer than a few months before. I come to realize over the last year how crappy coporations are. In the mix of having so many employees, the people in charge lose their ability to be personable. People who do a good job and work hard sometimes tend to be looked over because all the company sees is numbers. Then you have the scenario where a position comes open and they fill it with the first warm body they can get their hands on. It doesn't matter too much about the background of the individual filling the position. Numbers, numbers...Who cares about the person's ability to be a human being. I guess buisinesses don't need humans with feelings and opinions...maybe robots would be better for the work force.

Posted by tx/AmysPigPen at 12:48 AM CDT
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