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Where the bean bags R at !!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's 6 West!!!

Mountains crumble. Skies fall. Hell freezes over. Winged monkeys fly out of Wayne's butt. John updates.

6/21/2000:It's been a while. Know why? Cuz 6 West had to go underground for several months while they hire and train new members. They are still hiring and training new members, so lord knows when I will update again. However, I've been to practice with them and heard the new songs... bad-ass stuff, folks. You're gonna wanna catch these guys when they resurface. As for now, you can be content with Grant's far more often updated and technologically superior 6 West page at, get this,

  • , of all the crazy damn domain names. Check out the 6 West Reporter to see more of my mindless drivel.

    Selections from "Scribbeldy Dibbeldy", the band's autobiographical premiere release, can be found at Go

  • there
  • right now! Or else we'll smack dat ass. Hey, someone in the guestbook said apparently I thought something about the Moffats' fans. Hey, kinda presumptuous, aren'tcha? Nevertheless, Phat Cheops must keep his public happy, so if you can find the hidden link somewhere on these 6 West pages, you'll get to know what I think of both the fans AND the band! Lucky you!!!

    6 West is a funk band based in Houston, but currently trying to infect other areas of Texas as well. They are, indeed, the shit.
    Check out the details from our last show.
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    Generic Records Chris's Jokes
    April and Amanda's Answers to Life's Mysteries The Red Folder: Things To Do

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    For booking info:
    E-mail 6 West: