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Sadly, we lost out precious Hunter on March 26th, 2002...

It has taken a full 9 months to be able to announce this on his website. I want to keep the original site as it was when he was alive...happy...

He fought cancer for 2 1/2 years and endured 3 surgeries and chemo to save his life...He never complained, knowing we were doing everything we could to save his life.

He fought the good fight...He will be remembered forever...His urn is on my mantle in a place of honor...I was with him at the very end and he trusted me, in his eyes I saw the faith and love that promised he would see me again someday, somehow...

And he left this earth, held, kissed, and hearing how much his mommy loved him...

So, in celebration of his life and love, please enjoy this website and if you're thinking of getting a Golden, please know they are the most wonderful dogs in the world and check out rescue groups.

PS: We have recently adopted another Golden to share our life with...He has a legacy to live up to and he's trying hard... His name is Connor, more on him later...

But for now, here's to you boy...Run forever in green fields and wait at the "bridge".


My mom said, "Pose for me!" when she took this photo!

Hi! My name is Hunter! I was adopted by a very nice family who drove all the way to San Antonio to get me from the San Antonio Golden Retriever Rescue! I had a good time there! Lots of other dogs and lots of room to run! Now I fetch tennis balls in the backyard, swim, and go for walks. I keep telling Mom I need another friend, She agrees and is working on Dad! But for now I'm TOP Dog. Oh, and I do share the place with a few cute kids, well behaved, except for the little guy, he can be kinda ornery! But he does throw a mean tennis ball! My owners say I am so smart! They have trained me that when I want to go for a walk, I go to the kitchen drawer, open it, pull out my leash, and take it to Dad! How silly! Why don't they teach me something challenging like that dog on TV that makes a bologna sandwich with mayannaise! Now that could be useful!
This is my best friend Michael. He is a really cool kid 'cause he lets me sleep at the foot of his bed!

This is my Dad! He is a great guy! He takes me on nice long walks every evening. He tries to feed me really great food scraps but Mom stops him! What's up with that?!

This is the coolest spot in the house! And I'm right by the front door so whenever somebody comes over I am sure to get lots of pats on the head. I'm so polite, I don't even bark at strangers!
This is me and my pal watching TV. My other favorite place to be!

Can you believe my family went to Disney World and didn't take me!

Harry and Hannah,
our houserabbits

Visit our friends
Justine and Midas!

Visit our friends the three amigos who live in Arizona!

Visit Canines killed in the line of Duty...
Visit Canines killed
in the line of duty

Eukanuba Proud!
Eukanuba Proud!

"Click here"
To visit Sam's Shack, a cool Golden site!

Thanks for stopping by! Please be sure to sign my guest book before you leave!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Only A Dog

Do you remember thinking it was time that the kids learned some responsibility and scanning the newspaper ads for a cheap dog for sale? Do you remember bringing home this little ball of shivering fur and putting her out in the yard on a chain that was too heavy on a night that was too cold? Of course you don't remember this. After all, she was only a dog...

Do you remember this baby crying because she was afraid and alone? Do you remember screaming at her to be quiet and finally going out there to kick her to drive home the lesson? Of course you don't remember this. After all, she was only a dog...

Do you remember the many times you noticed her water bowl was empty and her food bowl was covered with mold and thinking that it was the kids' job to take care of her? Do you remember seeing that her coat was dull and lifeless and, in many places, chewed away down to the skin because of the parasites no one took the time to rid her of? Of course you don't remember this. After all, she was only a dog...

Do you remember her first heat and the neighbor's male visiting her night after night? Do you remember thinking that letting her have the puppies would be a good experience for the kids? Do you remember that every one of those pups died because their mother was no more than a puppy herself? Of course you don't remember this. After all, she was only a dog...

I know you remember the animal control officer coming to the house, accusing you of animal cruelty and taking her away because you couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. After all, she was only a dog...

I thought you might be interested in how this girl is doing today. You see, a rescue group saved her, and once she found a home that gave her love, attention and proper care, she blossomed into a beautiful, loyal companion. To these people, she is much more than only a dog...

She became a therapy dog and now goes to nursing homes and hospices where she brightens the lives of the infirm and dying. To some of these people, she has given hope. To others, she's given them a reason to keep living. To even others, she's given them the will to die peacefully, with a smile on their lips. To these people, she is much more than only a dog...

Just last week, she helped find a little boy that was lost in the woods. She spent a long, cold winter's night, lying over him to keep him warm and risked her own life to protect his. To this little boy and his family, she is much more than only a dog...

What is the difference? Why did that filthy, flea-ridden animal chained in your backyard suddenly become so important to so many? Because she never gave up her trust in people and she never once thought, "After all, he is only a human."

Visit "Goldens Retrievers in Cyberspace" and find out how to adopt a rescued Golden.
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