Welcome to my website. My name is Vanessa Glenne and I would like to thank you for responding to my email and visiting this website. The quotation that fills the body of this page is about making a commitment and then doing anything and everything to make it happen. It is from a book by W. H. Murray that deals with a Scottish expedition to climb a Himalayan mountain. My commitment is of a different nature--I am looking to get laid. If a primary reason you chosed to visit my website is towards this same purpose then we are both on the same page. I have (with apologies to W.H Murray) editted his quotation to be more consistent with my goals and objectives.

"Until I am committed there is hesitancy,
the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness, continual celibacy.
Concerning all acts of initiative
(and other sexual pursuits)
there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which
kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment
one definitely commits oneself to getting laid,
Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one that would never
otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue
from the decison, raising in one's favor
all manner of unforeseen opportunities
and men previously unknown and material assistance, which no tgirl could have dreamt
would have come her way.
I am now committed to exploring my sexuality,
committed to an life rich in new sexual adventures,
I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe's couplets:
'Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.'"

  • My website deals with my commitment to turn my life around. I am an transgendered girl who is considering hormones and SRS. In late June, I will be moving to Dallas, TX and my purpose for doing so is to finally resolve many questions regarding these choices. I am 52 years old so while I am still young enough to have a lot of life ahead of me, I need answers and I need them quickly.
  • My website contains no pornography nor does it link to pornographic websites nor does it link to those websites that promote pornography. If you are seeking pornography, this is not a website that will interest you. That said, if you enter my website, be forewarned that I am very frank and candid when discussing my plans, my hopes and my fantasties. Some of my pictures many would regard as risque. In short, this is a very sexual website in regards to its intent.
  • There is really only one reason to consider entering my website. Are you a guy who likes to fuck tgirls. If so, you may find this website of interest. Note I say, 'may find it of interest." I am certain that many who visit this website will look elsewhere to satisfy their urges.
  • At times it may seem as though I am extremely full of myself. This is not the case. I think I am attractive when looking my best, but I am still rather insecure. I have, however, chosen to approach this website from your perspective. If you chose to explore my website, I am assuming there is some attraction for what I have to offer. And if you want what I have, why shouldn't I play it up as being about the best piece of ass you will ever experience.

    Based on what you have read so far, here are your choices:

    Vanessa, Let's Talk

    Not interested, Vanessa.