WINTER 2002 FEAT>> christina.

december 28,2002

Christmas NIGHT was a blast. i was sittin at home being bored and i got a phone call. So i picked up and it was my home boy antoine. and he's telling me about this party that hes gonna have, and tells me to get ready and come over. so im thinkin alright, nothing else to do so i go hop in the shower, and when i get out...I recieved another phone call from other homeboy, Damien. He's goin on and on about the party and how everyones gonna be there and how he wants me to dress up in this snata dress. well he ends up coming over and bringing the dress. it's sooo slutty but its hella cute. so i end up wearing it. anyways the party was soooo fun. well anyways that was my night .. hope yours was as fun as mine.= ] c ya!

sadiez bitched @ 4:30 PM.

december 25,2002

Merry christmas everybody! Whew. New layout. like it? speak on it bebe. well. i forgot the link to my guest book, lol.. I'll get it up soon.
anyways. How was everybody's christmas? Mine was so good.I had so much fun. Yesterday The whole family came over ans my momz cooked her big ol dinner just like every other year. Mmmm. it was soooo good. there was turkey N ham N mashed potatoes n greenbeans n corn n hot rolls n soooo many pies I can't even name everything that was there it was so yummie. then today we all went to my grandma's N since my momma cooked yesterday, my grandma just oredered 70 $'s worth of papa john's pizza. Yummie! grandma always gets millions of presents for everybody, and we all play dirty santa. so fun.
Ok I'll say im a nice person to most people, REAL NICE. i work my ass of for a lot of people, out of KINDNESS because they need help. and most of em shit on me in return. no names cause im too nice. but a certain " HE" is really urkin me. everytime he asks me to do something for him, no matter how much time it's gonna take me, i stop what im actually doing for my self, and help his ass. and yesterday i was having trouble with this page, so i KINDLY asked him to help me. and YES he does know how to do it, becuase he makes layouts for alot of people. and so i asked.. and he's like what is it, so i tell him and sit and wait for along time for a responce. DO I GET A RESPONCE? HELL NO. so i im him and say well.. do u know how to do it? and of course what does he do? shit on me and lie to me knowing damn well i know hes lying becuz he's done way more difficult layouts for me n the past and this was a simple little problem, i jus couldnt get a pic in the right spot. ugh ok ima stop complaining now. lenah, thank u for the sweetest email ive gottin in a long time.

sadiez bitched @ 4:30 PM.

december 18,2002

It's 12:30 N i can't sleep so im up here bloggin. Today was just another boring day. nothing exciting. I went christmas shoping for the family. i bought my momz this ring she had been wanting and my daddy some new shaving stuff. that ended up being around 300 $'s. Then after that i bought some sweaters that were on sale for 20 $'s each,for myself and got my nailz did.. they are real cute =].
certain people are really starting to get on my nerves [no names] keep on sending me mixed messages and I duno wtf to do. but oh well. Then peole put on acts as to who they are in front of certain people. that really urks the fucc out me. I hate fake people.

sadiez bitched @ 12:37 PM.

december 12,2002

Man-o-man was today boring? Wasn't a damn thing to do. So I just worked on this a little bit, Tana made me a guestbook,( thank u so much mamii <3) it's at the bottom under "contact me", duno why, just didn't have anywhere else to put it. so go sign it :) and don't start the rude comenting, thats just childish, lets act our ages okay? :)
I need to make the link section but I dont wanna, because I am too lazy, and it takes awhile. But t will be up just as soon as I get to it. I also want a blinkie, but I can't figure out how to do it, even with the directions right in front of me. =[ Well I'm out for now. see ya kiddiez =D

sadiez bitched @ 6:55PM.

december 11,2002

Im sittin here chillen, talkin to Lena beana - my bestest girlie. I haven't spoken with her inna while either. I missed her so much <3 We're just talkin' about Christina Aguliera and her pretty self. And all her percings ;x Lol. And then in my other imz.. its my bestest man fren lol Jordan <3 We're talkin about how he lost his virginity and stuff like that..givin him tipz N stuff lol.
Well I added a little more to the page. I'm thinking about making a " you" section so it won't be so boring, but then again I'ma have to have a lot more talent for all that. But hey I'm getting pretty good, Right? I did all this stuff by myself.. Im quite proud of myself :)Well I'm gonna go look for a guest book to put on here. so toodlez :)

sadiez bitched @ 8:12 PM.

december 10,2002

Whatz the deal yall. Im back again from my long ass break i had. I deleted my aol so I been gone for a long time but now im back with a cable modem. whoop@#$! lol everything goes so fast. im excited about it. =] I havent spoke with alot of friends on here since ive been gone, but lately Me and seanhave had a few convoz, gettin close again and not yet together(which we probably WONT be ..cuz he be bullshitin and is involved with TOO MANY different girlz) but were on "talking" mode .. whatever the fucc that means.. he just tells me "were talking but not officialy back together yet" lol . funny if u ask me.... OHHH! and BTW! ms. toya... lol while you're over there "hating girls like me".. go on ahead and hate niggaz like Sean while you're at it, cause he was the one telling me to say that shit to you, I was just simply having fun :)
Anyway. Jay is talking to me again. we kinda fell out for awhile but I guess were back on track. =] so im happy about that cuz he is cool peoplez and I love him <3 =]
Well I guess that's all for now.. maybe ill add more later (as for content) but im to tired now. CYA! <
sadiez bitched @ 9:31 PM.