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Win My award!

"Fight the Future"

(note: this collage is not the award)

*************New Rules******************

Well actually just a change to me giving the award/awards out......okay, let me get to the point, if you want to submit your art ( sorry I am only accepting collages at this time) please email them to me here : xsofia2001x Here are some of my rules:

1. NO Foul language in any of the collages, if they are to include paragraphs.

2. No nuddy pictures of the actors/actresses.

3. The work must be original.

4. Please try to include your signature on your work, so it will not be taken. I want for all the artists to have credit for your work.

5.The collages can be from previous years, so when you made it does not really matter, you can send in 2 pieces of work ( no more than that or I will not accept the entries).

6. If you have a website include the address in the email along with the collage/collages that are being entered, also include the handle name you want to use.

7. Depending on how many people enter ( there has to be at least 4 or more ) I will judge monthly.

(Denote: OLD RULES!) Okay, now me being an artist myself and winning ribbons and trophies for my art, I wanted to give to those who create wonderful pieces of work too. I know it takes time, effort, and dedication to those who do it. I will give my award to an Artist and they will be notified by email and they will also be told which piece of art was selected. The winner will recieve an award to post on thier site and their art will be posted on the entrance of my site for a week or two (depending on when I update:). If you wish for your piece not to be posted please tell me:)

"The X-Files" are a TM and copyright of Fox Entertainment and 10/13 Productions.All rights reserved. I am by no means of trying to make any profit off of this site. This is a place for fellow xphiles to enjoy.