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Power Surge Episode Guide

award ceremony at school. kelly talking about winning soccor team. mvp goes to jean. she looks surprised and goes up to accept the award. everyone cheers. specially teammates, risty cheers loudly as well. rogue doesn't. jean starts speech, but freezes when she hears rogue's thoughts in her head. she flips around to others there and hears their thoughts as well. it all becomes too overwhelming for her and she screams that she can't hear herself think and she falls over, dropping the trophey. ~ (ggrrr stupid crypt keeper commercial...) trophy drops, head breaks off. jean realizes what happened, and she plays it off like nothing. scott stands up, worried. she picks it up. sorry i lost my head there for a sec. continues speech. scott sits back down. evan and kit talk. skateboarding will never be a school sport. lance asks kit to chemistry. jean and scott talk. nervous? you were terrified. scot not invited to duncan's. be there for her. kit and lance in chemistry. about stink bombs. mccoy comes in, reciting poetry. apologizes for being late. whos up for making a stink bomb? lance and kit grin at each other scott gets ready for party. kit comes through, still smellin. sam and rahne play on steps, knocking scott over. bobby shows jubes an ice ballerina. scott slips on ice. gets in car and drives off. duncan plays football with a soccor ball. throws it out the window. hits scott in head. thinks this was a mistake. soccor not football. rogue - people like me don't party with people like them. scott walks in. throws soccer ball at him. rogue gets up and gets ready to leave. done celebrating for jeans popularity. scott crush?? rogue denies and leaves. duncan and scott face off on ping pong. like mad. pingpong? nope, dueling. jean stops ball midair, grabs duncan and pulls him aside. chews him out for beating up on scott. i didn't invite him. and whats up with that!? more voices in head. grabs head in pain. pushes duncan away and runs to balcony. scott goes to her to see whats wrong. she freaks and knocks him over edge of balcony. ~ scott falls. she stops him right before he hits the pool. touches surface. duncan comes over and jean loses scott. checkin Cl levels. back at institute. wrings out sweater. x comes in. kurt comes in. not worth talking about!! rogue shows risty around. kit phases in. whered you come from?? wolvie claws apple. and turns back around. and they say i don't follow the rules. rogue? risty tells her not to worry about it. rogue sighs, pissed off. she stomps back in. visits need to be scheduled. you wouldn't treat jean like this. jean hears that. rogue continues going up the steps. jean and x talk. she's just tired, giving excuses. track and field tryouts. major competition between scott and dunc. sccott throws javilin farther. jean jumps. scott jumps, hit bar. dunc clears it though. hurdles. dunc hits scott off track. bounces around, loses glasses. mccoy sees this, knocks dunc off team. jean sees scott, voices come again. goes carrie. mccoy gets scott's glasses. its like he knew! go take five. scott smile, hears jean. javilin up, shot at runners. lance sees it coming and cause tremor so it doesn't hit them. he waves and shrugs. balls go out now. scott knocks it off of dunc's way. one lands in kelly's office. scott over at jean. I can't stop it. she faints in his arms. ~ drive back to institute, kitty phases through front door, calls to x. med lab, lays jean down. she starts lifting stuff. x tells scott to leave. wolvie leads him out. x goes into her mind. chaos. jean?? i can help you if you let me! mind orgasm!!! (long time joke...) breaks med lab completely. lifts herself. others in uniform. she's not okay. evolving too rapidly. you can't even get close to her. rogue suggest she drains her. x doesnt want to. something to focuxs on. scott says him. wolvie says not too many options. let's move!! kit phases, kurt gets hit. kurt bamfs rogue in twister. she grabs only ceiling. fights against current and hangs onto wire. so close to her face. wire breaking. gets in. touches. scream and flys. scott tries talking to her. jean's voice coming out of rogue. losing you! i know you better than anyone ever has or ever will. voices mix. one last burst from jean and she falls. she wakes up. leaves rogue. she looks down, completely alone. rogue watching through window. scott tells her that she'll be working with x. it was nothing. yes it was, tell me. me and mis popularity... she would do the same thing for me. we all would. smile. roses. scott presents them to her. toses her card from duncan. crumpled. damage during delivery. doesn't remember anything from the night before. guess she doesn't want to remember it. repeates line about knowing her. walks ovff and waves. scott smiles.

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