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Professor X

Name: Charles Xavier

Age: ?

Powers: Telepathy

Origin: ?

Relations: Cain Marko aka Juggernaut (half-brother)

Grade: not applicable

Hobbies: ?

Fav Foods: ?

Fav Music: ?

Classes: not applicable

One of the greatest minds on the planet, Professor Charles Xavier is also one of the world's most powerful mutants. He possesses numerous psionic powers, including the ability to read minds and project his own thoughts into the minds of others.

A farsighted man, Professor X is gathering every mutant he can find (and persuade) to attend his Xavier Institute, which he has founded as a place where mutants can live in safety as they learn to refine their powers in order to fully control them. He uses his supercomputer Cerebro to scan the globe for mutants, whom he then recruits for his school. Some of the mutants will be eager to join him. Others will reject his offer, choosing to go their own way (for good or ill).

Professor X believes that mutants are essentially no different from other people, and that once they learn to control their strange powers they will be able to fit comfortably into society. This philosophy runs counter to that of his former colleague Magnus (a.k.a. Magneto), who believes that Homo Superior (mutants) are the next step in evolution. Professor X fears that Magnus' extremism will lead to a mutant backlash, and is thus forced to thwart his activities, as well as those of other mutant fanatics. Should Magnus succeed in inspiring fear in humanity, then mutants will wind up being hunted, or worse...

In the beginning of our series, Professor X forbade Scott Summers and the other students from going out on missions. Dire circumstances forced Scott to ignore Professor X's admonitions, and thus the X-Men were born. For the first several missions thereafter, the X-Men actually had to sneak around the Professor in order to go into battle... while Professor X was secretly be proud of them.

Over time, Professor X will fully advocate the activities of the X-Men, although he will maintain that they must operate in secret. Professor X hates the moniker "X-Men" (he considers it embarrassing), but eventually grudgingly comes to adopt it himself. When the officials at Bayville High School object to the frequent absences of the X-Men, Professor X will intercede on their behalf. (The message will be about sacrificing for the greater good, not "cutting classes = cool.")

Outwardly, the Professor is kindhearted and warm, someone you can turn to when you feel bad. However, he can be secretive and even manipulative - usually toward the end of protecting his students and mutantkind. He also has a hard bottom line. When disobeyed, he can be hard as stone, and can turn from kindly uncle to stern taskmaster in an instant.

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