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Colombo Hindu College as it stands today!
August 21, 2005

Photographs taken during a recent visit to the school by Raviraj and Raj.
The opinions expressed here are solely Ravi’s and not any other individuals.
Any comments or correspondence to

Borupana Road. Notice the road looks wider and clean!

The main entrance to the school. The name board is not very visible due to the Electric post.
Photo taken from the road in front.

As you walk into the gate. A look at the Cricket field to the Left.
Notice the overgrown shrubs towards the wall – Unused land!

Still Walking to the building. Notice the High wall on the right – The wall around the new Temple.

A building in front of the Temple built by the Army during their Occupation.
This building houses Building workers doing the Temple expansion work.
The building behind is the main building.

The temple. Work is in progress around the Temple. A high wall has come up.
I believe the Hindu Congress has decided to have temples built in the premises of all Hindu schools managed by them around the country.

A view of the school from the cricket field. What a beauty!

Another view of the building from the cricket field.
Notice the tall wall on the right – The Temple wall.

The main hallway – a look from the grounds.

An abandoned building behind the school.
Notice the overgrown shrubs on the Left of the Photo.

This was taken to show the overgrown shrubs. The building behind is the old canteen!

Need a facelift of the building at the back.
You are looking at the old Shrine downstairs (which no longer exist) and the office and entrance to the girls section upstairs.

The back of the classrooms.
Notice most windows are missing upstairs.

A look at the cricket field.
Notice the overgrown shrubs on the right.

Agricultural plots near the old Shrine.
Notice the AC units in the first floor on the right where the Computer room is housed.

The former Shrine now used as the Cafeteria.
The shrine I believe was destroyed in 1983.

The classroom directly below the old office now is used as a Hostel Neatly Kept.

The stairway needs repairs. Someone could get hurt on this.

The hall way upstairs.

The first room has been converted to a computer center.
Could not take a peak inside. I visited on a Sunday!

A peak inside a classroom.
Notice the furniture.
Needs an uplift.

Each class houses about 20 students the most.
Remember we had 40 in our times!

A view of the back of the school front upstairs.

Another view of the rear of the school.
Notice the Factories at the back of the school.

This is the last classroom upstairs.
Preparations were underway for some function the next day.

Another view of the class being prepared for the function.
There were some dedicated students and adults on the scene.

The cricket grounds seen from the first floor.
Notice the overgrown shrubs at the far end – Lost land!

A view towards the football field (Former).
It used to be marsh land now filled and with thick overgrown shrubs.

Another view – you can see the roof of the Kotalawela school through the overgrown shrubs built on our football field.

The point look out where we used to get caught sneaking in late!
The famous excuse – "Bus did not stop at my halt!"

There is a long hall upstairs where the Sinhala section was housed.
Notice the number of chairs for the teachers and Guest – may be 50 and students must be sitting on the floor!

The stage – a respectable size

The warden who took us around in front of the stage.

The abandoned building at the back of the school.

Another view of the abandoned building.
Notice the asbestos roofing and the building is full of junk that has to be destroyed.

The principal’s bungalow now housing students (Hostel)

Road leading to the Hindu College Square.
Memories of after exam trips to this area to steal cashew fruits from open lands are still fresh in my mind! And getting caught to the principal thereafter!!

The canteen now housing boys hostel.

Another view of the former principal’s bungalow.

Inside of the boys hostel (Former Canteen)

The original Hostel – Now a Girls hostel.
Girls were actively taking part in games.

The study and dinning area for the girls.

This hostel has been divided in two and one part where the girls hostel is now housed is with the Hindu Congress.
The other half is with the Hindu Educational society. They are trying to sell this part I hear! Why should this happen when the school is looking for space to house more children.

The girls hostel is kept very neat with a pond, Garden and is impressive.

A health Hazard! Just outside the girls hostel.

Notice the factories near the girls hostel and the Kotalawela road at the far end.

Entrance to the section now owned by the Hindu Educational Society.

Entrance to the Girls hostel.

One of the empty rooms of the Hindu Educational society property.

A view of the Girls hostel study.
Notice the ages of kids in school.

Another view of the study.

Another view of the canteen (Former)