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jobohimself (9:22:50 PM): TaintedAngels07: ...i just got asked to homecoming
jobohimself: by?
TaintedAngels07: brett
jobohimself: and...are you?
TaintedAngels07: yeah
TaintedAngels07: no one else'll ask em
jobohimself: thats a shame....
TaintedAngels07: *me
TaintedAngels07: y?
jobohimself: i wanted to go with you, but i guess i waited too long...

SpecialBlonde007 (9:23:17 PM): O_O
jobohimself (9:23:27 PM): FOR FUCKS SAKE
jobohimself (9:23:31 PM): PLEASE
jobohimself (9:23:38 PM): CONVINCE HER TO GO WITH ME
jobohimself (9:23:41 PM): OMG
SpecialBlonde007 (9:23:42 PM): i am
jobohimself (9:23:44 PM): T____T
SpecialBlonde007 (9:23:45 PM): hold u'r horses
SpecialBlonde007 (9:24:15 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (9:23:36 PM): u'r fucking going 2 homecoming w/ brett
jobohimself (9:25:16 PM)
: god dammit
jobohimself (9:25:32 PM): TaintedAngels07 (9:22:58 PM): if you go i'll save a dance for you ^^
jobohimself (9:24:04 PM): but see
jobohimself (9:24:11 PM): I only wanted to go with you...
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:03 PM): i'm sorry
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:16 PM): if you'd asked ten minutes earlier i'd of said yes
jobohimself (9:25:34 PM): omg....
jobohimself (9:25:39 PM): *gives up*
jobohimself (9:25:50 PM): wtf did I do to deserve this
SpecialBlonde007 (9:25:54 PM): don't give up
SpecialBlonde007 (9:26:44 PM): i'm sorry joe T_T
jobohimself is away at 9:27:31 PM
jobohimself returned at 9:30:36 PM.
jobohimself (9:31:00 PM): she can go with some fucking guy she barely knows, that called her a slut....
jobohimself (9:31:04 PM): fuck
SpecialBlonde007 (9:31:15 PM): =\
jobohimself (9:31:22 PM): god damn
jobohimself (9:31:33 PM): what to say to her now
SpecialBlonde007 (9:31:52 PM): i think she's finally realizing that u like her
SpecialBlonde007 (9:32:01 PM): TaintedAngels07 (9:31:26 PM): doesnt mean i don't feel bad about it
jobohimself (9:32:17 PM): wow
jobohimself (9:32:26 PM): today sure went downhill really fast
SpecialBlonde007 (9:33:02 PM): =\
SpecialBlonde007 (9:33:04 PM): i'm sorry joe
jobohimself (9:33:39 PM)
: first time i've cried in over a month...
jobohimself (9:34:06 PM): TaintedAngels07 (9:25:16 PM): if you'd asked ten minutes earlier i'd of said yes
jobohimself (9:34:14 PM): omg.........
SpecialBlonde007 (9:34:46 PM): *hug*
jobohimself (9:35:00 PM): there has to be something i can do
jobohimself (9:37:43 PM): jobohimself (9:36:56 PM): and as much as i wish you would reconsider your decision
jobohimself (9:37:03 PM): i was going to ask you tonight
TaintedAngels07 (9:37:10 PM): i can't just back out on brett tho
jobohimself (9:37:10 PM): when i was through
TaintedAngels07 (9:37:11 PM): i'm sorry
jobohimself (9:37:58 PM): that did my self esteem a big favor
jobohimself (9:38:46 PM): -_-
SpecialBlonde007 (9:39:25 PM): =\
jobohimself (9:40:53 PM): son of a bitch.
jobohimself (9:41:16 PM): why must everything i enjoy somehow get fucked
jobohimself (9:41:44 PM): SHE BARELY KNOWS HIM
jobohimself (9:41:52 PM): I CANT BELIEVE THIS
SpecialBlonde007 (9:42:24 PM): so i don't think u'll be going after all now?
jobohimself (9:42:33 PM): no....
jobohimself (9:43:01 PM): prolly not
jobohimself (9:43:14 PM): unless one of us can get some sense into her
SpecialBlonde007 (9:43:30 PM): i wish there was
SpecialBlonde007 (9:43:33 PM): but i don't know how 2
SpecialBlonde007 (9:44:50 PM)
: cause the only thing i could think of is sending her on a guilt trip, but that's harsh and probably won't work, b/c she's already kinda on it and said she can't just back outta brett
jobohimself (9:45:03 PM)
: fucking....
jobohimself (9:45:22 PM): i want there to be SOMETHING
jobohimself (9:45:25 PM): ANYTHING
SpecialBlonde007 (9:47:08 PM): i'm trying 2 remind her of the bad stuff bout brett
SpecialBlonde007 (9:47:19 PM): he called her a slut
SpecialBlonde007 (9:47:25 PM)
: even though he says he was kidding now
jobohimself (9:47:40 PM)
: go to homecoming with her....
jobohimself (9:48:18 PM): ...I was even making her a necklace to go with her dress...
SpecialBlonde007 (9:49:18 PM): =\
jobohimself (9:51:08 PM): well, if you can talk to her face to face about it for me....anything helps...
jobohimself (9:51:11 PM): my god
jobohimself (9:51:23 PM): *puts head down*
SpecialBlonde007 (9:51:34 PM): i'll try
jobohimself (9:53:06 PM): it's not fair i mean i was going to ask her tonight anyway
jobohimself (9:53:16 PM): -__-
SpecialBlonde007 (9:54:45 PM): well i doubt this'll help, but...
ZootSuitGuy05 (9:50:33 PM)
: i mean, if i had only known, i wouldnthave done it

jobohimself (9:55:10 PM): son of a bitch
SpecialBlonde007 (9:56:17 PM): i don't know how much i can do
SpecialBlonde007 (9:56:26 PM): but possibly try nething
jobohimself (9:56:45 PM)
: you have to talk to her
jobohimself (9:56:53 PM): this isn't right
jobohimself (9:58:00 PM): 1. he called you both sluts and he made her cry.
2. he barely knows her.
3. Brett over me? Come on....

jobohimself (9:58:08 PM): Jeez...
SpecialBlonde007 (9:59:55 PM): i'm tryin 2 make him feel guilty about it now
SpecialBlonde007 (10:00:06 PM): see if he'll tell annora 2 go w/ u
jobohimself (10:00:59 PM)
: T_T I hope this works....if it does I'll like...kiss your ass forever and never call him cocksucker or any of that other stuff ever again
jobohimself is away at 10:02:12 PM.
jobohimself returned at 10:18:39 PM.
jobohimself signed off at 1:08:16 AM.
Session concluded at 6:35:18 AM
jobohimself (7:15:59 PM): HAHAHA you have just been DEATHWISHED Tonight at
midnight your true love will realize they like you.
something good will happen to you at 1:00-4:00 pm
tommorow, it could be anywere.Get ready for the
biggest shock in your life. if you break this chain u
will be cursed with realtionship problems for the next
10yrs. Send this to 15people in 15min

Auto response from SpecialBlonde007 (7:15:59 PM): dinner an stuff....i'll be back later, after i'm done...ttyl

jobohimself is away at 7:19:35 PM
SpecialBlonde007 (7:21:43 PM): back

Auto response from jobohimself (7:21:44 PM)

jobohimself returned at 8:10:15 PM
SpecialBlonde007 (8:33:22 PM): boo
jobohimself (8:33:29 PM): *ejaculate*
jobohimself (8:33:31 PM): I mean
jobohimself (8:33:33 PM): hi
SpecialBlonde007 (8:33:34 PM): lol
jobohimself (8:33:36 PM): typo
SpecialBlonde007 (8:33:42 PM): so i see
SpecialBlonde007 (8:34:57 PM): my hair feels blonder than usual...and i don't know why
jobohimself (8:35:19 PM)
: semen.
SpecialBlonde007 (8:35:25 PM): >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (8:35:34 PM): all that extra protein in my diet
jobohimself (8:36:35 PM)
: "my soda is stringy"
jobohimself (8:36:38 PM): ">_>"
SpecialBlonde007 (8:36:42 PM): >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (8:37:29 PM): wtf
SpecialBlonde007 (8:37:37 PM)
: my prose isn't on da nemore..
jobohimself (8:38:49 PM)
: y not? banned?
SpecialBlonde007 (8:39:01 PM): it's in a read only state right now
SpecialBlonde007 (8:39:09 PM): but it's not in my gallery
SpecialBlonde007 (8:39:26 PM)
: wtf
jobohimself (8:39:53 PM)
: im talkin to annora now....
jobohimself (8:40:00 PM): what should i say...
jobohimself (8:40:02 PM): like
SpecialBlonde007 (8:40:03 PM): bout the dance
SpecialBlonde007 (8:40:05 PM): or just in general
jobohimself (8:40:10 PM)
: in general
jobohimself (8:40:15 PM): but
jobohimself (8:40:25 PM): i want her to know from me that i like her...
SpecialBlonde007 (8:40:42 PM): well...ask her how her day went
jobohimself (8:41:14 PM): k
jobohimself (8:43:01 PM): oo Apocalypse Now is on
SpecialBlonde007 (8:43:21 PM): oo
SpecialBlonde007 (8:43:42 PM): so u'r talking 2 annora going newhere?
jobohimself (8:44:05 PM)
: yeah, more or less
SpecialBlonde007 (8:50:33 PM): arg
jobohimself (8:50:41 PM): hm?
SpecialBlonde007 (8:50:45 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (8:41:10 PM): u know i just noticed that our 3 months is in like....a week
Domo Ownz You (8:46:19 PM)
: yea
SpecialBlonde007 (8:46:33 PM)
: nething ud like 2 do?
Domo Ownz You (8:48:12 PM)
: iono
SpecialBlonde007 (8:48:23 PM)
: u hafta have sum kinda opinion
Domo Ownz You (8:49:02 PM)
: we can do a birthday/3'rd thing together i guess
SpecialBlonde007 (8:49:11 PM)
: alright
SpecialBlonde007 (8:49:12 PM)
: if u want to
Domo Ownz You (8:50:25 PM)
: brb
Previous message was not received by jobohimself because of error (8:50:45 PM)
: Your message was refused by the AOL Instant Messenger server, probably because the message was too big. Try making the message shorter and send it again.

SpecialBlonde007 (8:50:51 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (8:41:10 PM): u know i just noticed that our 3 months is in like....a week
Domo Ownz You (8:46:19 PM): yea
SpecialBlonde007 (8:46:33 PM): nething ud like 2 do?
Domo Ownz You (8:48:12 PM): iono
SpecialBlonde007 (8:48:23 PM): u hafta have sum kinda opinion
Domo Ownz You (8:49:02 PM): we can do a birthday/3'rd thing together i guess
SpecialBlonde007 (8:49:11 PM): alright
SpecialBlonde007 (8:49:12 PM): if u want to
Domo Ownz You (8:50:25 PM): brb

jobohimself (8:51:19 PM): d2.
SpecialBlonde007 (8:51:20 PM): considering our 1 month celebration never happened....
SpecialBlonde007 (8:51:30 PM): my brother and annora came along 4 our 2 month
jobohimself (8:52:26 PM)
: :-\
SpecialBlonde007 (8:52:42 PM): that and i still have no idea what to get him 4 his birthday
SpecialBlonde007 (8:52:52 PM): i want to do something uber special
SpecialBlonde007 (8:52:57 PM)
: but he doens't tell me nething
jobohimself (8:53:10 PM)
: let him....nvm :-X
SpecialBlonde007 (8:53:14 PM): what?
jobohimself (8:53:17 PM): >_>
jobohimself (8:53:22 PM): i'll be good
SpecialBlonde007 (8:53:24 PM): >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (8:53:40 PM): that was going 2 be a given thing....i meant i could give him in public >_<
jobohimself (8:53:54 PM)
: again....>_>
SpecialBlonde007 (8:53:57 PM): oi
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:51 PM): but seriously....what would be something sweet to get him
SpecialBlonde007 (8:55:27 PM)
: Vividumus (8:54:29 PM): olleh
Vividumus (8:54:30 PM): you
Vividumus (8:54:35 PM): feel
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:35 PM): hi
Vividumus (8:54:36 PM)
: well?
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:40 PM): yeah
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:41 PM)
: why?
Vividumus (8:54:42 PM)
: wonderful
Vividumus (8:54:55 PM): because i am in love with you
Vividumus (8:55:00 PM): and with that comes constant concern
Previous message was not received by jobohimself because of error (8:55:27 PM): Your message was refused by the AOL Instant Messenger server, probably because the message was too big. Try making the message shorter and send it again.

SpecialBlonde007 (8:55:37 PM): Vividumus (8:54:29 PM): olleh
Vividumus (8:54:30 PM)
: you
Vividumus (8:54:35 PM): feel
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:35 PM): hi
Vividumus (8:54:36 PM)
: well?
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:40 PM): yeah
SpecialBlonde007 (8:54:41 PM)
: why?
Vividumus (8:54:42 PM)
: wonderful
Vividumus (8:54:55 PM): because i am in love with you
Vividumus (8:55:00 PM): and with that comes constant concern
SpecialBlonde007 (8:55:38 PM): wtf
jobohimself (8:56:02 PM): lmao it's jordan.
jobohimself (8:56:06 PM): he does that.
SpecialBlonde007 (8:56:06 PM): i know
SpecialBlonde007 (8:56:15 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (8:56:43 PM)
: SpecialBlonde007 (8:55:42 PM): uhm...
SpecialBlonde007 (8:55:46 PM)
: i'm speechless..
Vividumus (8:55:46 PM)
: exactly
Vividumus (8:55:51 PM): it is okay
Vividumus (8:55:56 PM): we all know how you feel
Vividumus (8:55:58 PM): we programmed it
SpecialBlonde007 (8:56:00 PM): we?
Vividumus (8:56:02 PM)
: we
SpecialBlonde007 (8:56:11 PM): alright
Vividumus (8:56:14 PM)
: so are you feeling as in love as i am?
Vividumus (8:56:21 PM): dancing to the melody of the raindrops
jobohimself (8:57:32 PM): >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (8:58:57 PM): nehow
SpecialBlonde007 (8:59:07 PM): so what would be sumthin sweet?
jobohimself (8:59:19 PM)
: hmmmm
SpecialBlonde007 (8:59:42 PM): i mean, i want 2 make him something
SpecialBlonde007 (8:59:53 PM): but my artistic skills are kinda limited
jobohimself (9:00:34 PM)
: iont know what he likes though, besides d2, drums and...
jobohimself (9:00:35 PM): >_>
SpecialBlonde007 (9:00:39 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (9:00:44 PM): that's my problem
SpecialBlonde007 (9:00:52 PM)
: i know stuff that he likes
SpecialBlonde007 (9:01:04 PM)
: but i don't know how 2 make it into sumthin sweet
jobohimself (9:01:28 PM)
: naked ddr with a pink bow
SpecialBlonde007 (9:01:37 PM): omg
jobohimself (9:01:40 PM): iono....i know that doesnt help
SpecialBlonde007 (9:01:48 PM): not really
SpecialBlonde007 (9:02:03 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (8:59:25 PM): what do u want 4 u'r bday nehow?
SpecialBlonde007 (9:02:12 PM)
: 20 bucks says his answer will be...
SpecialBlonde007 (9:02:14 PM)
: "iono"
jobohimself is away at 9:11:56 PM
SpecialBlonde007 (9:15:40 PM): oo

Auto response from jobohimself (9:15:41 PM)
: Dishes. Blarg.

SpecialBlonde007 (9:15:44 PM): i got an idea!!!
SpecialBlonde007 (9:15:52 PM): i could make him a video
SpecialBlonde007 (9:15:58 PM)
: keep it sweet
SpecialBlonde007 (9:16:01 PM)
: but what to say to him
SpecialBlonde007 (9:16:12 PM)
: i'd set it up.....and just push play
SpecialBlonde007 (9:16:25 PM)
: then i'll tell him how much i love him and what he means to me
SpecialBlonde007 (9:16:38 PM)
: but i need good ideas on wut 2 say
SpecialBlonde007 (9:16:44 PM)
: help when u get back ^^
jobohimself returned at 9:40:57 PM
SpecialBlonde007 (9:41:14 PM): hi
jobohimself (9:41:18 PM): hi
jobohimself (9:41:40 PM): lemme think
SpecialBlonde007 (9:42:18 PM): brb
jobohimself (9:42:23 PM): kk
SpecialBlonde007 (9:42:32 PM): i'm supposed 2 check my mom's hw
jobohimself (9:42:47 PM): im reading something david sent me...
jobohimself (9:48:05 PM): now i am feeling shittier thatn ever
SpecialBlonde007 (9:50:44 PM): what now
jobohimself (9:51:00 PM): nvm i don't want to talk about it
jobohimself (9:51:19 PM): i don't want to go through it again
jobohimself (9:51:22 PM): ask him
SpecialBlonde007 (9:51:39 PM): =\ ok
SpecialBlonde007 (9:52:28 PM): so this isn't a good time 2 ask for ideas 2 put on my tape?
jobohimself (9:52:50 PM)
: no, i'm kinda crying, i can't think of anything positive right now
jobohimself (9:53:06 PM): this goes a lot farther than homecoming
SpecialBlonde007 (9:53:13 PM): =\
jobohimself (9:54:15 PM): i came back and she left
jobohimself (9:54:26 PM): according to what david sent me
jobohimself (9:54:43 PM): i am no better than brett
SpecialBlonde007 (9:55:21 PM): ...
jobohimself (9:55:42 PM): just....nvm i can't deal with it
jobohimself (9:55:58 PM): i am very distraught roght now
SpecialBlonde007 (9:56:28 PM): i woudl be too
SpecialBlonde007 (9:56:44 PM): but if it means anything to you..
SpecialBlonde007 (9:56:51 PM)
: u'r much more than brett could ever hope to be
SpecialBlonde007 (9:57:02 PM)
: and i'm not just saying that 2 make u feel better
SpecialBlonde007 (9:57:03 PM)
: i mean it
SpecialBlonde007 (9:57:14 PM)
: brett could only dream of being 1/2 the person u are
jobohimself (9:57:24 PM)
: thank you...just not to the person that means alot to me...
SpecialBlonde007 (9:57:55 PM): i've never met a man who was so kind to the opposite sex, and so willing to be open and share things w/ us
SpecialBlonde007 (9:58:05 PM): most guys would never admit to crying
SpecialBlonde007 (9:58:15 PM)
: they'd never say something is bothering them
SpecialBlonde007 (9:58:24 PM)
: b/c they don't want 2 appear 2 be whimps
jobohimself (9:58:36 PM)
: i don't care what ppl think of me
SpecialBlonde007 (9:58:42 PM): but u'r past that and u'r special
SpecialBlonde007 (9:58:56 PM): and if annora doesn't see that, then she's missing out
SpecialBlonde007 (9:59:01 PM)
: i'm sorry to say it...but she is
jobohimself (9:59:06 PM)
: then why does everything hafta be so fucked up for me all the time
SpecialBlonde007 (9:59:34 PM): b/c is never perfect
SpecialBlonde007 (9:59:38 PM): i only wish it was
SpecialBlonde007 (9:59:53 PM)
: and we can look back on all the times things went wrong and better ourselves from it sometimes
jobohimself (10:00:26 PM)
: but it's been going on since june, and every time i think something is going to pick up it never does and just gets worse
jobohimself (10:00:50 PM): and....i don't know what to do about it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:01:27 PM): have u straight out told annora that she's important to u?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:01:38 PM): have u tried 2 tell her what she means 2 u
jobohimself (10:01:41 PM)
: i probably should
SpecialBlonde007 (10:01:46 PM): just straight forward
SpecialBlonde007 (10:01:53 PM): b/c she doesn't take hints
SpecialBlonde007 (10:02:07 PM)
: and things can be misunderstoo
SpecialBlonde007 (10:02:07 PM)
: d
SpecialBlonde007 (10:02:45 PM)
: just say "annora....u'r very dear to me and u mean the world to me. i don't know how you'll react to this but..." and tell her what u really feel
jobohimself (10:03:09 PM)
: I don't think tonight would be a good time
jobohimself (10:03:16 PM): when i am in a creative mood
jobohimself (10:03:19 PM): i shall
SpecialBlonde007 (10:03:23 PM): i'm just saying
jobohimself (10:03:31 PM): yeah, that is a good idea
jobohimself (10:03:43 PM): it is not good to have this inside
SpecialBlonde007 (10:03:58 PM): but put some thought into it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:04:07 PM): don't just throw it 2gether off the top of u'r head
jobohimself (10:04:50 PM)
: yeah....i am not one to half ass things
jobohimself (10:04:51 PM): heh
jobohimself (10:05:07 PM): unless it pertains to school
SpecialBlonde007 (10:05:20 PM): that way there's no way for her to have 2 read between the lines
SpecialBlonde007 (10:05:27 PM): it's just straightforward and truthful
jobohimself (10:05:40 PM)
: i fear rejection
SpecialBlonde007 (10:06:56 PM): but would u rather live u'r life w/ the "what if i had done that"
SpecialBlonde007 (10:07:06 PM): rejection u can heal from
SpecialBlonde007 (10:07:12 PM)
: what it's haunt u forever
SpecialBlonde007 (10:07:27 PM)
: when u look back years from now and see a picture of annora
SpecialBlonde007 (10:07:48 PM)
: do u want 2 think, i used 2 have wonderful times w/ her and enjoy her being around me
SpecialBlonde007 (10:07:57 PM)
: i used 2 strive to have more w/ her
SpecialBlonde007 (10:08:09 PM)
: but b/c i feared rejection, i never did anything about it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:08:14 PM)
: if only i would have said something
SpecialBlonde007 (10:08:26 PM)
: maybe then i could have that many more great memories to share w/ her
jobohimself (10:09:13 PM)
: you are right. damn youre good at talking sense into me
SpecialBlonde007 (10:09:34 PM): it's my job
SpecialBlonde007 (10:12:26 PM): but like i said, put some thought into it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:12:31 PM)
: and make it come from the heart
SpecialBlonde007 (10:12:46 PM)
: b/c everything is always more beautiful when it comes truely from u'r heart
jobohimself (10:13:21 PM)
: it is
SpecialBlonde007 (10:13:35 PM): does that help any?
jobohimself (10:13:48 PM): yeah actually it does
SpecialBlonde007 (10:13:56 PM): alright
SpecialBlonde007 (10:14:10 PM): i'm glad i wasn't just rambling on
jobohimself (10:14:55 PM)
: like the zeppelin song
jobohimself (10:15:07 PM): you saw the convo right?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:15:12 PM): don't think so
jobohimself (10:15:20 PM): that made me feel....bad
jobohimself (10:15:31 PM): david told me he sent it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:15:39 PM): oh
SpecialBlonde007 (10:15:49 PM): i saw "the important bits"
jobohimself (10:16:00 PM)
: want me to send the whole thing?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:16:07 PM): plz
SpecialBlonde007 (10:16:11 PM): if u dun mind..
jobohimself (10:16:15 PM)
: no i don't
jobohimself wants to directly connect (10:16:17 PM).
jobohimself is now directly connected (10:16:17 PM).
jobohimself (10:16:57 PM): Domo Ownz You (9:41:22 PM): i tried..
Domo Ownz You (9:41:24 PM)
: i really did.
Domo Ownz You (9:41:26 PM)
: TaintedAngels07 (8:47:03 PM): i wanna know
Domo Ownz You (8:47:05 PM): the way i see it
Domo Ownz You (8:47:06 PM)
: right now
Domo Ownz You (8:47:08 PM)
: ur leading him on.
Domo Ownz You (8:47:09 PM)
: yes/
Domo Ownz You (8:47:26 PM)
: and i figure..the best way to go about dealing with the issue ofhim asking to prevent it altogether
Domo Ownz You (8:47:27 PM)
: simple yes?
Domo Ownz You (8:47:41 PM)
: if he knows you dont like him back the same way odds are he wont ask
Domo Ownz You (8:48:50 PM)
: unless of course you have decided you want to date...brett....
Domo Ownz You (8:48:54 PM)
: rofl
TaintedAngels07 (8:48:57 PM)
: ...i don't know that i'd necessarily say no
Domo Ownz You (8:49:10 PM): what do you mean
Domo Ownz You (8:49:16 PM)
: are you THAT desperate to have some1?
TaintedAngels07 (8:50:10 PM)
: i'd ask you if i looked that desperat
TaintedAngels07 (8:50:13 PM): *desperate
Domo Ownz You (8:50:16 PM): ...
TaintedAngels07 (8:50:23 PM)
: but i am now inclined to think you'd say yes
Domo Ownz You (8:50:26 PM): i dont think you would..
TaintedAngels07 (8:50:49 PM)
: just cuz i might say yes if he asked doesnt mean that i'm desperate...
Domo Ownz You (8:50:58 PM): just..braindead?
TaintedAngels07 (8:51:17 PM)
: thanks david
TaintedAngels07 (8:51:18 PM): thanks
Domo Ownz You (8:51:25 PM): what..
Domo Ownz You (8:51:26 PM)
: im kidding.
TaintedAngels07 (8:51:35 PM)
: mmj,
TaintedAngels07 (8:51:38 PM): *mmhm
Domo Ownz You (8:51:41 PM): so you really like him?
TaintedAngels07 (8:51:55 PM)
: i dont fucking know
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:10 PM): everytime i wait for that "something special" before i date someone
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:16 PM): i end up not having anyone
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:24 PM): cuz i'm so damn picky
Domo Ownz You (8:52:28 PM): i c..
Domo Ownz You (8:52:32 PM)
: but i mean....come on..
Domo Ownz You (8:52:34 PM)
: its BERTT
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:38 PM)
: and now i've found someone i'm comortable around and i care about
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:44 PM): and i can't fucking do anything about it
Domo Ownz You (8:52:50 PM): i c...
TaintedAngels07 (8:52:51 PM)
: so maybe i should just...not wait
Domo Ownz You (8:52:58 PM): so your going to give up?
TaintedAngels07 (8:53:11 PM)
: on what?
Domo Ownz You (8:53:37 PM): what do you think..
TaintedAngels07 (8:53:56 PM)
: on "us"?
Domo Ownz You (8:54:07 PM): yeah
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:14 PM)
: david
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:15 PM): i love you
Domo Ownz You (8:54:18 PM): i mean.. idont blame you..
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:21 PM)
: honest to god and all that is holy
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:22 PM): i love you
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:32 PM): but there really isn't an "us" to give up on
Domo Ownz You (8:54:36 PM): i know..
Domo Ownz You (8:54:43 PM)
: its more of a future prospect.
TaintedAngels07 (8:54:59 PM)
: but it's so *far* in the future
Domo Ownz You (8:55:04 PM): i know
TaintedAngels07 (8:55:05 PM)
: and it's frustrating...
Domo Ownz You (8:55:07 PM): thast why i dont blame you.
Domo Ownz You (8:55:32 PM)
: if you want to find someone else i dont blame you
Domo Ownz You (8:55:37 PM)
: but for christs sakes....brett?
TaintedAngels07 (8:55:59 PM)
: who the hell else could i feasibly date that is interested?
TaintedAngels07 (8:56:12 PM): joe is so uber far away from the highschool all day
TaintedAngels07 (8:56:14 PM): it's like
TaintedAngels07 (8:56:15 PM): grr
Domo Ownz You (8:56:34 PM): then why do you HAVE to be with some1?
Domo Ownz You (8:56:44 PM)
: do you feel compelled you need some1 in your life?
TaintedAngels07 (8:56:50 PM)
: no
TaintedAngels07 (8:57:13 PM): i'm just...tired of feeling alone
Domo Ownz You (8:57:27 PM): alone in what way
TaintedAngels07 (8:57:27 PM)
: i don't HAVE to have someone
TaintedAngels07 (8:57:34 PM): i just kind of want to
TaintedAngels07 (8:57:37 PM): just alone
Domo Ownz You (8:57:45 PM): ...
Domo Ownz You (8:58:16 PM)
: alone like you dont have a "complainion"
Domo Ownz You (8:58:18 PM)
: -l
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:28 PM)
: no
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:29 PM): well
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:31 PM): that too
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:32 PM): but no
Domo Ownz You (8:58:34 PM): i mean..
Domo Ownz You (8:58:36 PM)
: im here for you
Domo Ownz You (8:58:41 PM)
: just not in every way you would like
Domo Ownz You (8:58:51 PM)
: and thats beyond our control...
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:56 PM)
: and it's the other ways that leave me empty
TaintedAngels07 (8:58:58 PM): and it is
TaintedAngels07 (8:59:00 PM): well
TaintedAngels07 (8:59:06 PM): it's beyond my control
Domo Ownz You (8:59:20 PM): true.
TaintedAngels07 (8:59:54 PM)
: look
TaintedAngels07 (9:00:00 PM): brett isnt a bad guy
Domo Ownz You (9:00:07 PM): i know that.
TaintedAngels07 (9:00:08 PM)
: and theres nothing hugely objectionable about him
TaintedAngels07 (9:00:23 PM): so why is it such a big deal that it's him and not like
TaintedAngels07 (9:00:24 PM): i dunno
TaintedAngels07 (9:00:25 PM): doan?
Domo Ownz You (9:00:37 PM): i dont know..
Domo Ownz You (9:00:47 PM)
: just forget it
Domo Ownz You (9:00:53 PM)
: dont listen to me.
Domo Ownz You (9:00:59 PM)
: its your life.
Domo Ownz You (9:01:03 PM)
: not mine
Domo Ownz You (9:01:05 PM)
: i have no say in this.
TaintedAngels07 (9:01:42 PM)
: i want to know your opinion
TaintedAngels07 (9:01:43 PM): really
TaintedAngels07 (9:01:45 PM): i want to
Domo Ownz You (9:02:04 PM): look...if you have a void you want to fill
Domo Ownz You (9:02:08 PM)
: feel free to use brett to do so
Domo Ownz You (9:02:14 PM)
: i cant advise you to or not to
Domo Ownz You (9:02:21 PM)
: being human is about free will
Domo Ownz You (9:02:24 PM)
: making your own decisions
TaintedAngels07 (9:02:25 PM)
: you can advise all you want to
TaintedAngels07 (9:02:45 PM): ...alright
TaintedAngels07 (9:02:51 PM): now i feel like i've done something wrong
Domo Ownz You (9:03:01 PM): no.
TaintedAngels07 (9:03:08 PM)
: ><
Domo Ownz You (9:03:08 PM): youve done nothing wrong
TaintedAngels07 (9:03:10 PM)
: yes
Domo Ownz You (9:03:17 PM): you want to feel better do what you need to do so
Domo Ownz You (9:03:22 PM)
: i am noone to tel lyou what to do and what not to
TaintedAngels07 (9:03:51 PM)
: stop damn degrading yourself
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:02 PM): you're one of the most important ppl in my life
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:08 PM): i am asking you
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:13 PM): what do you honestly think about his
Domo Ownz You (9:04:15 PM): asking me what.
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:16 PM)
: *this
Domo Ownz You (9:04:23 PM): ive told you.
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:30 PM)
: and if you wanna tell me i'm a bitch and i shouldn't do it
TaintedAngels07 (9:04:32 PM): the do so
Domo Ownz You (9:05:41 PM): if you want to use him to fill your void
Domo Ownz You (9:05:48 PM)
: theres nothing i can do
Domo Ownz You (9:05:50 PM)
: or say
Domo Ownz You (9:05:58 PM)
: i cant do it myself
Domo Ownz You (9:06:02 PM)
: so why not just use him
TaintedAngels07 (9:06:03 PM)
: "use him to fill your void"
Domo Ownz You (9:06:08 PM): thast basically what you said.
TaintedAngels07 (9:06:09 PM)
: i am such a bitch...
TaintedAngels07 (9:06:21 PM): it's not what i meant...
Domo Ownz You (9:06:31 PM): i know...ur not like that
TaintedAngels07 (9:06:46 PM)
: or, at least i try not to be
Domo Ownz You (9:06:58 PM): yeah..
Domo Ownz You (9:09:19 PM)
: so..
TaintedAngels07 (9:09:37 PM)
: it's just like....for the first time, instead of it having to be someone i'm pursuing ( which never works out >< ) i'm thinking about someone pursuing me, and is it so terrible to not be all..
TaintedAngels07 (9:09:38 PM): whatever
TaintedAngels07 (9:09:42 PM): right away?
Domo Ownz You (9:09:48 PM): huh
TaintedAngels07 (9:09:55 PM)
: dating wise
Domo Ownz You (9:10:12 PM): rephrase that..
Domo Ownz You (9:10:14 PM)
: i didnt get it..
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:22 PM)
: right
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:23 PM): lesse
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:31 PM): for the first time
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:40 PM): i'm actually considering dating someone who's pursuing me
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:43 PM): not vice versa
Domo Ownz You (9:10:47 PM): i c..
TaintedAngels07 (9:10:54 PM)
: it like...
Domo Ownz You (9:11:08 PM): so your saying you like him bcz he likes you..
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:14 PM)
: bad of me to think about dating someone who i don't really have feelings for at the moment?
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:17 PM): noooooo
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:20 PM): i'm saying
Domo Ownz You (9:11:23 PM): the main attraction here is he actaully is persuing you?/
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:27 PM)
: no
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:29 PM): grr
Domo Ownz You (9:11:32 PM): is that fair to him...
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:33 PM)
: you aren't going to get this
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:37 PM): nvm
Domo Ownz You (9:11:41 PM): no i get what you are sayign
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:43 PM)
: just screw it
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:47 PM): nvm
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:49 PM): no
TaintedAngels07 (9:11:50 PM): you don't
Domo Ownz You (9:11:58 PM): its like
Domo Ownz You (9:12:01 PM)
: thinsg are reversed for once
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:02 PM)
: it isn't coming across the way i mean it
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:08 PM): no
Domo Ownz You (9:12:08 PM): right?
Domo Ownz You (9:12:17 PM)
: ..
Domo Ownz You (9:12:18 PM)
: explain it then
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:22 PM)
: bcz i've had boys pursue me before
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:35 PM): but this is just the first time i'm actually considering dating one of them
Domo Ownz You (9:12:45 PM): because your feeling lonely?
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:51 PM)
: no'
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:54 PM): ><
Domo Ownz You (9:12:57 PM): then y
TaintedAngels07 (9:12:58 PM)
: just fuck it
TaintedAngels07 (9:13:01 PM): you aren't getting it
TaintedAngels07 (9:13:04 PM): NVM
Domo Ownz You (9:13:05 PM): explain y then..
TaintedAngels07 (9:13:16 PM)
: it isnt coming out right!
Domo Ownz You (9:13:28 PM): explain whats different about this time
TaintedAngels07 (9:14:20 PM)
: then the other times of what?
TaintedAngels07 (9:14:27 PM): that boys have pursued me?
Domo Ownz You (9:14:37 PM): yeah
Domo Ownz You (9:14:47 PM)
: why this time are you willing to actaully date one of them
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:18 PM)
: i guess i'm just looking at it from a different angle
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:25 PM): instead of him having to be The One
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:30 PM): The Only
Domo Ownz You (9:15:35 PM): so your lowering your standards?
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:38 PM)
: The Perfect guy
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:40 PM): no
TaintedAngels07 (9:15:43 PM): grr ><
Domo Ownz You (9:15:49 PM): ..
TaintedAngels07 (9:16:40 PM)
: i'm realizing that im not fucking 30 and i'm allowed to have fun with it, and they don't always have to be someone i could, possibly, want to marry in the future
Domo Ownz You (9:16:46 PM): i c
TaintedAngels07 (9:16:59 PM)
: ...that isn't even quite right
TaintedAngels07 (9:17:05 PM): yeargh
Domo Ownz You (9:17:08 PM): so your saying that
Domo Ownz You (9:17:16 PM)
: youve realized you cant achieve perfection..
Domo Ownz You (9:17:20 PM)
: and your willing to settle for less for once?
Domo Ownz You (9:17:24 PM)
: because they dont HAVE to be perfect...
TaintedAngels07 (9:18:36 PM)
: not quite what i'm trying for
Domo Ownz You (9:18:40 PM): ...
Domo Ownz You (9:20:13 PM)
: k...
Domo Ownz You (9:20:19 PM)
: so lets get this straight..
Domo Ownz You (9:21:13 PM)
: your feeling lonely...and brett comes along and presents you with an opportunity to fill said void. you realize he isnt perfect...but you also realize that you dont NEED perfection and your willing to settle for less and actaully date some1 who is persuing you this time...despite the fact you at least say you dont have feelings for him...
Domo Ownz You (9:21:19 PM)
: am i even in the ballpark here..
TaintedAngels07 (9:21:34 PM)
: ><
TaintedAngels07 (9:21:41 PM): you're sitting in the stands
TaintedAngels07 (9:21:44 PM): closer
Domo Ownz You (9:21:47 PM): ...
TaintedAngels07 (9:21:47 PM)
: but no cigar
Domo Ownz You (9:21:50 PM): where did i go amiss then..
Domo Ownz You (9:21:53 PM)
: you DO have feelings for him?
TaintedAngels07 (9:22:31 PM)
: i dont fucking know
TaintedAngels07 (9:22:43 PM): i'm so absoluely BLINDED by the way i feel about you
Domo Ownz You (9:22:52 PM): i c..
TaintedAngels07 (9:23:02 PM)
: that i dont' think Gabriel would attract my attention right now
Domo Ownz You (9:23:09 PM): who.
TaintedAngels07 (9:23:21 PM)
: you don't remember him?
TaintedAngels07 (9:23:23 PM): dream boy
TaintedAngels07 (9:23:25 PM): *?
Domo Ownz You (9:23:26 PM): tjat ir drea,m persn
Domo Ownz You (9:23:28 PM)
: ah
Domo Ownz You (9:23:36 PM)
: just make certain that you arent just using him to be like..
Domo Ownz You (9:23:48 PM)
: the version of me that is attainable at this point in time
TaintedAngels07 (9:24:45 PM)
: to put this simply..
TaintedAngels07 (9:24:48 PM): there is only one you
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:02 PM): there is no "attainable version" in another person
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:05 PM): and there wont be
Domo Ownz You (9:25:05 PM): i c..
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:11 PM)
: and brett isnt anything like you
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:13 PM): well
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:15 PM): a little
Domo Ownz You (9:25:19 PM): how so..
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:26 PM)
: but not enough to be substantial
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:48 PM): musical fixation, sense of humor is similar
TaintedAngels07 (9:25:52 PM): but that's about it
Domo Ownz You (9:25:57 PM): how..
TaintedAngels07 (9:26:52 PM)
: "who puts lace on a cake?
TaintedAngels07 (9:26:56 PM): a FAGGOT"
Domo Ownz You (9:27:10 PM): thats because he tries to be like me..
Domo Ownz You (9:27:24 PM)
: dont tell me you havent noticed that either..
TaintedAngels07 (9:27:34 PM)
: look
TaintedAngels07 (9:27:44 PM): subtly is so way over my hea
TaintedAngels07 (9:27:45 PM): *d
TaintedAngels07 (9:28:03 PM): i am the most fucking oblivious person in the world
TaintedAngels07 (9:28:07 PM): to *everything*
Domo Ownz You (9:28:57 PM): heh
Domo Ownz You (9:29:01 PM)
: i know.
TaintedAngels07 (9:29:15 PM)
: the only things i dont miss are robins blow job motions ><
TaintedAngels07 (9:29:19 PM): and her jokes
TaintedAngels07 (9:29:27 PM): cuz she's so damn brazen with them
Domo Ownz You (9:29:37 PM): lol.
Domo Ownz You (9:31:08 PM)
: u there.
Domo Ownz You (9:31:28 PM)
: brb
TaintedAngels07 (9:31:58 PM)
: yeah
Auto response from Domo Ownz You (9:31:58 PM): me encanta accion affirmitivo

TaintedAngels07 (9:31:58 PM)
: k
TaintedAngels07 (9:32:05 PM): brb
TaintedAngels07 is away at 9:32:32 PM.
Domo Ownz You (9:34:31 PM): hi
Auto response from TaintedAngels07 (9:34:31 PM)
: just effing RAWR -_-

jobohimself (10:17:28 PM): (i never sent that, you never saw it)
SpecialBlonde007 (10:17:37 PM): kk
SpecialBlonde007 (10:24:20 PM): heh
SpecialBlonde007 (10:24:26 PM)
: sounds so familar almost
jobohimself (10:25:19 PM)
: familiar?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:00 PM): while david was dating ricki
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:09 PM): after about 3 or so months between them
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:17 PM)
: i started 2 like doan a little
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:31 PM)
: and on percussion ensamble
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:35 PM)
: uber long bus ride
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:38 PM)
: when i sat w/ doan
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:40 PM)
: i kissed him
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:42 PM)
: 2ce
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:56 PM)
: and a day or 2 later....david talked 2 me about it
SpecialBlonde007 (10:28:08 PM)
: and said some of the stuff he basically said 2 annora
jobohimself (10:28:15 PM)
: ah
SpecialBlonde007 (10:28:24 PM): about how "us" seemed 2 be dissapearing
jobohimself (10:28:29 PM): yeah david told me about the same thing w/lily
jobohimself (10:28:38 PM): kinda
SpecialBlonde007 (10:29:29 PM): and my response 2 him was something like "i told u i'd wait 4 u....and i'll always love you. but i can't go everyday and watch and ricki and not feel like i'm 2nd best"
jobohimself (10:30:26 PM): i see
jobohimself (10:30:48 PM): i have yet to be the best to some1
SpecialBlonde007 (10:32:01 PM): u deserve to be
jobohimself (10:33:29 PM): at this rate i'll be emo in a month ><
SpecialBlonde007 (10:34:02 PM): i think david realizes a little bit about my view on him and annora now.
jobohimself (10:34:18 PM): that's...good?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:34:26 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (10:15:32 PM): what, how i tell her most of what goes on in my life
Domo Ownz You (10:15:39 PM)
: yeah..
Domo Ownz You (10:15:48 PM)
: im sure shes ....if nothing less... jealous
SpecialBlonde007 (10:16:33 PM)
: i haven't said as much in the past like....month or so
SpecialBlonde007 (10:16:39 PM)
: not nearly
Domo Ownz You (10:16:42 PM)
: i know
SpecialBlonde007 (10:17:06 PM)
: b/c i know how it was......ricki would come up 2 me and go on and on about stuff u guys did
SpecialBlonde007 (10:17:12 PM)
: and i didn't enjoy
SpecialBlonde007 (10:17:14 PM)
: it
Domo Ownz You (10:17:21 PM)
: yeah.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:17:27 PM)
: the last thing i want to do is do the same thing 2 my best friend
Domo Ownz You (10:18:24 PM)
: i c
SpecialBlonde007 (10:18:54 PM)
: she's dear 2 me and i don't like seeing her hurt
Domo Ownz You (10:19:07 PM)
: but what about how she has hurt you
SpecialBlonde007 (10:21:33 PM)
: revenge isn't the answer
Domo Ownz You (10:23:03 PM)
: obviously.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:25:14 PM)
: if annora completely broke me w/ something she did..she would still be dear 2 me
SpecialBlonde007 (10:25:24 PM)
: u can't just get rid of a best friend
Domo Ownz You (10:25:32 PM)
: yea.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:25:47 PM)
: and i'm not saying what happened doesn't hurt
SpecialBlonde007 (10:25:57 PM)
: and all might not be right again
SpecialBlonde007 (10:26:13 PM)
: but that doesn't mean i'm going 2 abandon her when she needs me
Domo Ownz You (10:26:26 PM)
: yeah.
Domo Ownz You (10:26:38 PM)
: sometimes ur just too good of a person
SpecialBlonde007 (10:26:48 PM)
: me?
Domo Ownz You (10:27:07 PM)
: yeah
SpecialBlonde007 (10:27:22 PM)
: why do u say that
Domo Ownz You (10:29:03 PM)
: i dont know
SpecialBlonde007 (10:30:23 PM)
: i'm willing 2 forgive b/c i know both of u are important to me....and that life will go on.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:30:36 PM)
: one mistake isn't going 2 destroy so many wonderful things
SpecialBlonde007 (10:31:04 PM)
: that doesn't mean i'm going 2 be willing 2 have ppl walk all over me
SpecialBlonde007 (10:31:27 PM)
: but i'm willing to let time heal open wounds
Domo Ownz You (10:31:35 PM)
: =\
SpecialBlonde007 (10:32:50 PM)
: and i guess i'll just have 2 be patient...b/c some wounds take a little longer to heal than others
Domo Ownz You (10:33:28 PM)
: yeah.
jobohimself (10:36:55 PM)
: at least he seems like he cares now
SpecialBlonde007 (10:37:01 PM): yeah
SpecialBlonde007 (10:38:22 PM): it's a step in the right direction
SpecialBlonde007 (10:39:03 PM)
: for now
jobohimself (10:41:08 PM)
: *off topic* I'm demanding whether i should go to homecoming still
jobohimself (10:41:17 PM): i might feel weird there
jobohimself (10:41:26 PM): like i don't belong or something
SpecialBlonde007 (10:41:44 PM): personally...i'd like 2 see u there
SpecialBlonde007 (10:41:52 PM): a dance just isn't the same w/o joe boston
SpecialBlonde007 (10:42:02 PM)
: but i can't decide 4 u
jobohimself (10:42:17 PM)
: i'd be dateless and most likely alone
SpecialBlonde007 (10:42:35 PM): i don't dance that much...
SpecialBlonde007 (10:42:38 PM): so i dunno bout alone
SpecialBlonde007 (10:42:43 PM)
: and i went dateless last year
jobohimself (10:43:01 PM)
: hmmm
jobohimself (10:43:07 PM): well if you want me to go
jobohimself (10:43:10 PM): i shall
SpecialBlonde007 (10:43:13 PM): yay ^^
SpecialBlonde007 (10:43:18 PM): i love you joe ^^
jobohimself (10:43:28 PM)
: i love you too robin ^^
SpecialBlonde007 (10:43:31 PM): hehe
jobohimself (10:44:22 PM): <_<;;
SpecialBlonde007 (10:44:42 PM): hmm
jobohimself (10:44:48 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (10:44:56 PM): what was the face for?
jobohimself (10:45:06 PM): no one hasta know
SpecialBlonde007 (10:45:16 PM): wut's that supposed 2 mean eh?
jobohimself (10:45:26 PM): *sweating a little*?
SpecialBlonde007 (10:45:30 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (10:46:17 PM): *raises eyebrow*
jobohimself (10:46:37 PM)
: *raises lubri...nvm*
SpecialBlonde007 (10:46:57 PM): >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (10:48:43 PM): u subject changer
jobohimself (10:49:09 PM)
: that is my fortæ
SpecialBlonde007 (10:49:16 PM): lo
SpecialBlonde007 (10:49:19 PM): i'll let it slide
jobohimself (10:49:30 PM)
: just like u let my penis slide
SpecialBlonde007 (10:49:36 PM): just cause of my mix of moods right now
SpecialBlonde007 (10:49:37 PM): ><
jobohimself (10:49:41 PM)
: sorry
jobohimself (10:49:50 PM): couldn't resist
SpecialBlonde007 (10:49:57 PM): i know
SpecialBlonde007 (10:55:57 PM): and now the reality slowly sinks into david's mind..
jobohimself (10:56:30 PM)
: what you mean?
jobohimself (10:56:37 PM): (i'm a lil tired)
SpecialBlonde007 (10:58:00 PM): SpecialBlonde007 (10:40:42 PM): better to tend to the wound than pour salt on it
Domo Ownz You (10:41:20 PM)
: how would you be pouring salt
SpecialBlonde007 (10:42:23 PM)
: i can forgive for only so much david
SpecialBlonde007 (10:44:38 PM)
: i love both you and annora to pieces, but there's only so much that i can get both the courage and strength to forgive u two for.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:47:21 PM)
: u understand what i'm saying..
SpecialBlonde007 (10:48:56 PM)
: since u've been quiet for a while now...
Domo Ownz You (10:49:55 PM)
: back
Domo Ownz You (10:49:59 PM)
: sorry.
SpecialBlonde007 (10:50:01 PM)
: it's k
Domo Ownz You (10:50:15 PM)
: what doyou mean theres only so much
SpecialBlonde007 (10:52:26 PM)
: think of it this way.....u saw how much i changed after what happened. and u've seen and probably felt the awkwardness and wutnot. that's starting 2 go away a little bit now. but how long that took. now if it were 2 happen again, or worse (pouring saltt on the wounds) i don't know if i could muster up what i did last time and go through it all over again
SpecialBlonde007 (10:52:38 PM)
: i love you and i always will
SpecialBlonde007 (10:53:10 PM)
: but it's honestly hard 2 forgive when u'r broken
SpecialBlonde007 (10:53:27 PM)
: and i don't know if i would be able 2 do it agian
SpecialBlonde007 (10:53:50 PM)
: i like 2 believe i can
SpecialBlonde007 (10:54:23 PM)
: and i honestly won't know until i'm faced w/ a problem like that. but i don't want to find out that way
Domo Ownz You (10:54:57 PM)
: =\
SpecialBlonde007 (10:55:01 PM)
: i don't like crying myself to sleep and having to feel awkward around my best friend and my boyfriend
SpecialBlonde007 (10:55:27 PM)
: it's hard enough the 1st time around
SpecialBlonde007 (10:55:37 PM)
: i don't know what would happen the 2nd
Domo Ownz You (10:55:51 PM)
: i could imagine..
SpecialBlonde007 (10:56:56 PM)
: and i'm not trying 2 make u feel bad or nething like that...b/c guilt is like trying 2 get revenge
SpecialBlonde007 (10:57:16 PM)
: i'm just saying things from my point of view
jobohimself (11:00:24 PM)
: ah
SpecialBlonde007 (11:01:30 PM): if u'r sleepy then go 2 bed
SpecialBlonde007 (11:01:35 PM): duncha hafta work 2morrow?
jobohimself (11:01:45 PM)
: no, i am part time
jobohimself (11:01:52 PM): i am only there when needed
SpecialBlonde007 (11:02:01 PM): ah
jobohimself (11:02:10 PM): but i get paid uber
SpecialBlonde007 (11:02:42 PM): *jealous*
SpecialBlonde007 (11:02:53 PM): i'm currently the owner of a single dollar bill
SpecialBlonde007 (11:03:00 PM)
: aside from that and a shitload of change
SpecialBlonde007 (11:03:02 PM)
: i'm broke
jobohimself (11:04:43 PM)
: lol
jobohimself (11:04:58 PM): i FOUND $60 in my old glasses case today
jobohimself (11:05:04 PM): i like jumped
SpecialBlonde007 (11:05:05 PM): are u serious
jobohimself (11:05:11 PM): i'm serious
jobohimself (11:05:17 PM): forgot i had it stashed
SpecialBlonde007 (11:05:33 PM): i want $60
jobohimself (11:05:59 PM): we'll see how much i have left after buying my sampling board ^^
SpecialBlonde007 (11:06:09 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:07:23 PM): 1108
jobohimself (11:07:33 PM)
: *flashes*
SpecialBlonde007 (11:07:41 PM): swoot
SpecialBlonde007 (11:09:14 PM): grr
SpecialBlonde007 (11:09:19 PM)
: i just membered i have french hw T_T
jobohimself (11:09:51 PM)
: sux0r
jobohimself (11:10:10 PM): parlez vous STFU BITCH I HATE YOU AND UR FUCKING HW
SpecialBlonde007 (11:10:16 PM): lol
jobohimself (11:10:53 PM): omg junior year i got detention for telling heinitz
jobohimself (11:11:09 PM): Heinitz: quieres tarea?
jobohimself (11:11:23 PM): Me: quieres you are a dumb cula?
SpecialBlonde007 (11:11:28 PM): lmao
jobohimself (11:12:17 PM): fuck
jobohimself (11:12:29 PM): i haven't rubbed one out in awhile
jobohimself (11:12:37 PM): but i have a headache
jobohimself (11:12:44 PM): so i can't T_T
SpecialBlonde007 (11:13:02 PM): aww
SpecialBlonde007 (11:13:03 PM): i'm sorry
jobohimself (11:13:49 PM)
: wow that was more than you prolly wanted to know
jobohimself (11:13:53 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:13:58 PM): the sad part is
SpecialBlonde007 (11:14:04 PM): it didn't phase me
jobohimself (11:14:07 PM)
: lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:14:15 PM): i'm so used 2 hearing that kinda stuff by now
jobohimself (11:14:15 PM): you have become desensitized
SpecialBlonde007 (11:14:21 PM): "5 minutes"
jobohimself (11:14:59 PM): yeah, i think that did the trick...
SpecialBlonde007 (11:15:05 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:15:21 PM): nothing u could say could prolly phase me
jobohimself (11:16:00 PM)
: penis.
SpecialBlonde007 (11:16:11 PM): that's how u start the conversation ><
jobohimself (11:16:21 PM): oh yeah, ur right
jobohimself (11:16:32 PM): im sure ill find something one of these days
jobohimself (11:16:47 PM): you going to AJs party thing?
SpecialBlonde007 (11:16:50 PM): yeah
jobohimself (11:16:54 PM): w00t
SpecialBlonde007 (11:16:57 PM): i should prolly tell my parents about that
SpecialBlonde007 (11:16:58 PM): shouldn't i
SpecialBlonde007 (11:17:01 PM)
: ^^;
jobohimself (11:17:04 PM)
: lol yeah prolly
jobohimself (11:17:24 PM): if you wren't gonna go, or david i prolly wouldn't have
jobohimself (11:17:57 PM): you know, cause lily and shit....
SpecialBlonde007 (11:17:58 PM): nah....i'll go 2 anything as an excuse 2 see u
jobohimself (11:18:12 PM): she makes me extremely uncomfortable
SpecialBlonde007 (11:18:31 PM): she makes a lot of ppl uncomfortable
jobohimself (11:18:39 PM): i don't even know why he invited her
SpecialBlonde007 (11:18:58 PM): i think he said 2 megan, get all the band ppl u can
jobohimself (11:19:18 PM): i tried to drop the hint 2 him
jobohimself (11:19:29 PM): um...who are you, uh, inviting
jobohimself (11:19:36 PM): *oblivious*
jobohimself (11:19:45 PM): "squint"
SpecialBlonde007 (11:19:48 PM): lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:20:43 PM): yay..i get answers
SpecialBlonde007 (11:20:49 PM)
: annora is going 2 do her french hw now
SpecialBlonde007 (11:20:59 PM)
: and cause i'm a lazy ass bitch
SpecialBlonde007 (11:21:11 PM)
: she's giving me answers
jobohimself (11:21:18 PM)
: lmao
jobohimself (11:21:27 PM): i always had AJ do my grammar
jobohimself (11:21:34 PM): why i never learned any
SpecialBlonde007 (11:21:39 PM): cause he fucking likes it
jobohimself (11:21:46 PM): he gets off on it
SpecialBlonde007 (11:21:56 PM): O_O
SpecialBlonde007 (11:21:59 PM): *twitch*
SpecialBlonde007 (11:22:14 PM)
: what did i tell u about aj and masturbating and nething like that...
jobohimself (11:22:36 PM)
: hey hey
jobohimself (11:22:43 PM): never said he masturbated
jobohimself (11:22:49 PM): just that he got off.
SpecialBlonde007 (11:22:51 PM): >_<
jobohimself (11:22:54 PM): LOL
jobohimself (11:22:58 PM): i am so sorry...
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:04 PM): i lied..
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:10 PM): i said nothing u could say would phase me
jobohimself (11:23:14 PM)
: lmao
jobohimself (11:23:19 PM): i found something
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:25 PM): that's just
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:26 PM): ewe
jobohimself (11:23:31 PM)
: have yet to find what makes me cringe
jobohimself (11:23:40 PM): ....besides stuart...
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:42 PM): and lily
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:52 PM): do i get 2 know?
SpecialBlonde007 (11:23:55 PM)
: *pouty face*
jobohimself (11:23:58 PM)
: you found it >_<
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:04 PM)
: yay
jobohimself (11:24:05 PM)
: the lily thing
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:05 PM): hehe
jobohimself (11:24:13 PM): *shower*
jobohimself (11:24:16 PM): ugh
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:16 PM): <~~smrat
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:19 PM): lily scares me
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:20 PM)
: lol
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:24 PM)
: i avoid talking 2 her
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:31 PM)
: she ahsn't tried 2 order me around yet
jobohimself (11:24:35 PM)
: if ppl were smart they would
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:37 PM): i think she knows cause i won't listen
jobohimself (11:24:45 PM): you'll pwn her
jobohimself (11:24:52 PM): get david to reverse it
jobohimself (11:24:53 PM): LOL
SpecialBlonde007 (11:24:55 PM): lol
jobohimself (11:25:00 PM): that would be great
SpecialBlonde007 (11:25:09 PM): i think she tried 2 tell me i was wrong sumwhere in the marching once
jobohimself (11:25:19 PM): "Robin 15 push ups!"

jobohimself (11:25:30 PM): "Lily! 30 push ups"
jobohimself (11:25:37 PM): "and stfu"
SpecialBlonde007 (11:25:44 PM): then i told her 2 learn her own part before she tries 2 teach something that she's oblivious to
jobohimself (11:25:51 PM): pwned
SpecialBlonde007 (11:26:02 PM): she hasn't said nething since
jobohimself (11:27:03 PM): she hasnt said nething to me since july 14th
SpecialBlonde007 (11:27:15 PM): ah
SpecialBlonde007 (11:28:27 PM): i envy u
SpecialBlonde007 (11:31:12 PM)
: i wish she would stop talking 2 me
jobohimself (11:31:38 PM)
: lmao
jobohimself (11:31:48 PM): hey robin i gtg to bed, im tired
SpecialBlonde007 (11:31:51 PM): alright
jobohimself (11:31:52 PM): gnite
SpecialBlonde007 (11:31:54 PM): g`nite
SpecialBlonde007 (11:32:02 PM): and i'm glad u decided 2 go 2 the dance
jobohimself (11:32:14 PM)
: hopefully i enjoy it
SpecialBlonde007 (11:32:20 PM): i hope so too
jobohimself (11:32:29 PM): i did it for you though
jobohimself signed off at 11:32:32 PM.
jobohimself direct connection is closed (11:32:33 PM).
Session concluded at 11:34:01 PM