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Submitting your fan fic is easy.


Fan fiction isn’t just a story written about the characters of a TV show, it can be anything relating to one or more TV shows.  Poems, Parodies, song lyrics, as long as it’s your writing and it has something to do with your favorite TV show it’s welcome here. 


~First make sure to attach a summary, rating, and all the necessary information to the top of your fic. (All the “necessary information” is found in the rules for submission.)


~Secondly avoid sending your fan fic as an attachment, I do not wish to make it harder for anyone I just do not open any unknown attachments for the safety of my computer. J Please copy and paste it onto the body of your mail.


~All that’s left is for you to send it to me at  I will have it up as soon as possible.


~Remember all fic in any fandom is welcome, provided it comes with the correct label. NC-17 and slash fic must be labeled as such keeping the readers in mind.


**If you have any questions contact me!!!**  I’m here to help. J